Chapter 1679 - The monster that cannot be seen or heard!

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1679: The monster that cannot be seen or heard!

Translator: La0o9


That comment appeared on the War God UI, followed by a long notification:

[Your movement was swift and flexible, ensuring that ‘Manipulator of Song and Dance’ was perfectly performed]

[Thanks to that, as well as your original status as ‘Actor’, ‘Manipulator of Song and Dance’ had successfully been upgraded into ‘Performer of Song and Dance’]

[Performer of Song and Dance: After the first successful split, you can perform two more splits of different postures]

[Note: This is your personal declaration of performance——- Run towards the rising sun, young man!]

Gu Qing Shan skimmed through it and turned his eyes towards the enemy in front of him.


The giant demonic egg’s scream was of considerable decibel, anyone can instantly feel its pain just by hearing it.



Two cracking noises were then heard.

Two large holes had appeared on the underside of the giant demonic egg, leaking a viscous liquid that poured on the ground like rain.

[NO! No! You’re dreaming if you think you can use this to force me——-]

Glowing runes manifested on the outside of the giant demonic egg.

These runes were glowing increasingly brighter as if to complete some sort of spell.

As Gu Qing Shan took a closer look, he saw that the two holes under the egg were being refilled.

——it was trying to fill those two holes back in!

Gu Qing Shan’s gaze became cold.

Don’t joke around!

Attempting something like that, did you think I’m not here or something?

He turned his gaze to the War God UI again to check the description of [Performer of Song and Dance]

I can perform two more splits!

But they must be different kinds of splits!

What now?

Gu Qing Shan looked down at his legs again.

I’m currently doing a front split, which only requires me to sit on the ground with one leg to the front and one leg to the back.

This wasn’t particularly difficult.

——then, should I attempt a side split?

To do a side split, I must first spread my legs, then use my hands to prop myself up into a straight posture and put my weight onto my legs, causing them to spread straight into a ‘—-‘ shape on the ground.

That’s much more difficult.

Gu Qing Shan was a bit hesitant, as he had never tried doing a side split ever before.

With my Impossibly Unknown realm cultivation, doing a side split like that wouldn’t hurt, but it would still be uncomfortable.

But he then thought about Laura and Liao Xiao Pao who were trying their best to maintain their vitality, struggling between the line of life and death.

How could doing a split be compared to what they’re going through?

Gu Qing Shan took a deep breath and slowly put his legs back together.

The giant demonic egg also imitated his actions, gradually moaning less.


Gu Qing Shan spread his legs to both sides and performed a perfect side split in an instant!

Crack—– crack——-

The giant demonic egg’s right side and left side also broke open, spilling more of the viscous liquid outside.


The giant demonic egg once again uttered a scream of extremely high decibel.

——-the sheer loudness of the scream was more than enough to tell just how much it was hurting.

Gu Qing Shan’s gaze became sharp.

Strike while the iron is hot, since I’ve already decided to do this, I might as well do it to the very end and complete the third split as well!

His hands were then propped on the ground, bracing himself while twisting his hip to perform a handstand and split his legs again——-

A spinning split!

He was already experienced with dancing thanks to the Dance, as well as being an expert actor, so with his greatly bolstered comprehension of the split, he started spinning like a top with his legs outstretched in the posture of a split, continuing without stopping.

This time, the giant demonic egg couldn’t endure it anymore.

Numerous cracking noises rang out from all over the eggshell.

The shell was now so ruined that it practically wasn’t an eggshell anymore.


A tiny noise.

And the giant demonic egg was completely broken open!

Let’s slow down time right at this moment——

Each of the shell pieces slowly fell down and fluttered with the wind as they descended.

The content of the egg was fully revealed to Gu Qing Shan.

It was a mass of substance made of nothing liquid that hasn’t fully manifested into form, which left the liquid slightly opaque with a large skeleton and some flesh stuck on top of it.

——the skeleton and flesh were barely in the shape of a ‘person’, which was currently under Gu Qing Shan’s control, trying its best to struggle while maintaining a split posture.

The strange ‘person’ attempted to person some sort of spell and shouted: [You—–]

“Shut up!” Gu Qing Shan immediately cut it off by shouting back.

A flash of white and blue lightning appeared from his left eye and instantly silenced the monster.

——Sacrificial Iris Technique, [Mountain Wraith]!

As soon as the technique was completed, Gu Qing Shan vanished.

He turned into a blurry image and darted several times in mere seconds around the opaque liquid monster while slashing it with his sword.

Sword phantoms flashed all over the sky.

His strikes were as rapid as they could ever be, summoning the realm spirits one after another, starting from the bloody giant, but none of them attacked right away.

In a few seconds, the realm spirits had already taken up every last bit of space around the monster.

After that short moment——-

When the monster finally regained its senses from [Mountain Wraith], it suddenly discovered that it was standing in the middle of numerous spirits from the Blood Sea.

“You can attack now”

Gu Qing Shan pulled his sword back and retreated.

The bloody giant glanced at him a bit and mumbled: 「 All day long, only thinking about how to look cool 」


Immense sounds of blunt force impact, ripping noises, growls, slashes, metallic clangs, magical explosions, all of which became mixed with one another and persisted for over 5 seconds straight.

The world regained its silence.

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

A while later.


A heavy dull noise resounded from the ground.

——-the only thing left of the monster was a mass of pulpy flesh that formed a shallow crater on the ground as it fell.

A breeze of wind blew past.

Gu Qing Shan casually said as he observed the pulpy flesh from above: “You can’t dance and can’t even do a split, yet you’re trying to fool someone?”

Lines of glowing text then appeared on the War God UI:

[Congratulations, you’ve triumphed against a powerful opponent and obtained an abundance of Realm Points]

[After calculations, your remaining Realm Points are: 400]


[The Devil of True Antiquity, Overlooker of Myriad Realms had recognized the combat results and will once again contact you]

Right after Gu Qing Shan finished reading these notifications, the scene around him changed.

Bloody mist filled every part of space.

Everything around him was obscured.

A thought appeared in Gu Qing Shan’s mind:

「 You truly are a natural hunter… 」

「 Following our agreement, I will now grant you an opportunity to make a transaction with me 」

「 Listen carefully. On the surface of this world system, there is an exceptionally rare Apocalyptic monster 」

「 Simply by existing, this monster can cause the world that it resides in to fall to destruction, as its name cannot be spoken or heard. If anyone hears of it or speaks its name, they will immediately die 」

「 Its voice also cannot be heard, its presence cannot be described, as those with that knowledge will also die 」

「 Additionally, its physical form also cannot be seen, otherwise, your soul would also be consumed 」

「 This world system you’re currently in was destroyed by it—– it had always loved to eat these Magisapien, furthermore, it isn’t naturally wary of any kind of magic of spells, nor would it be damaged by any creation of living beings]

「 It had destroyed countless world systems, and it wasn’t until it tried to destroy this current world system that the final spirits of this place had led it to the Dusty World and trapped it here 」

「 And now, I require this Apocalyptic monster’s corpse 」

「 If you can give its corpse to me, I will awaken your companions 」

Gu Qing Shan solemnly listened to the very end, then hurriedly asked: “Please wait, does this Apocalyptic monster have any weaknesses?”

「 Weaknesses? 」

The other party paused briefly before continuing: 「 No one knows its weaknesses, or rather, every being who had ever learnt of its weakness are already dead 」

「 However, the hand had been taken out before indeed belonged to the monster 」

「 ——-Go now, kill it for me 」