Chapter 1156 - War of the past

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1156: War of the past

“The trial shall now begin!”

The long-bearded old man banged his gavel and turned his gaze to the other pixies.

“Who’s going to be the trial secretary?”

A particularly buff pixie stepped forward: “I will!”

“Do you know how to do it?” the long-bearded old man asked.

“Of course, I know a total of 596 different types of language scripts, and even won an award in 328 of them” the buff pixie replied.

The long-bearded old man nodded: “Very well, then as a secretary, do you know what rules you will have to follow?”

“Naturally, I will now state them one by one”

The buff pixie was already prepared and swung the short club in his hand.


A huge blue-back leather book appeared in front of everyone.

This book lightly hovered in the air; it was thicker than any of the pixie’s height.

The buff pixie cleared his throat, flipped over the first page of the blue-back leather book, and recited the contents word by word:

“A secretary; is responsible for the recording of all matters related to the trial, as well as acting as the support for all trial-related work. For example, preparation for starting the trial, the preparation regarding all submitted documents and proof, the compilation of the judge’s documents…”

He went on and on.

The long-bearded old man yawned, laid flat on the table, and was about to take a nap.

The Previous Kings shouted: 「 What’s going on here? Weren’t we supposed to judge them? 」

The long-bearded old man pulled out a set of red and green bedding out of nowhere and draped it over his body while replying: “This gavel can only judge, not kill. We’ll need another artifact to carry out the execution, but that thing is probably not strong enough to kill a Deity of her level”

The Previous Kings were shocked, they couldn’t help muttering to themselves: 「 Then, would that mean this trial is meaningless? 」

“What do you mean meaningless?” the long-bearded old man scoffed at him and explained: “As soon as the gavel is hit, she would be helpless to run away or kill anyone, forced to be here”

“After Gu Qing Shan’s battle is over, she should still be trapped here without being able to escape—— and we’ll deal with her at that time”

The Previous Kings was speechless, then asked: 「 How long can this trial go on? 」

The long-bearded old man pointed at the pixie who was still monotonously reciting from his book: “By the time he’s finished with this [Blue Leather Book Of Trial Secretary Regulations], it should be around two hours”

「 Then, we can only stall for two hours? 」

“Of course—— not”

The long-bearded old man’s lips curved up and boastfully shook his head: “A trial requires a presiding judge, secretary, umpire, juror, bailiff, plaintiff, plaintiff attorney, defendant, defense attorney, public prosecutor, witness, public participants, so on and so forth. Each of them will have to recite a corresponding book of regulations”

The Previous Kings were stunned.

He looked around, only to find various extremely thick blue-back leather books hovering in front of a large number of pixies.

The Previous King muttered: 「 Then—— after everyone had finished reciting it——- 」

The long-bearded old man continued: “After everyone had finished reciting their roles, it would naturally proceed to the hearing portion of the trial, during the hearing, everyone is free to state their opinions one by one, which should be able to continue until the end of the world without any issues”

The Previous Kings shivered for a long while, then finally muttered: “No wonder people say that the pixies are tough to deal with…”

The God of Life originally just stood and listened, but now proceeded to struggle with all her powers.

She unleashed numerous black tentacles that shot all sorts of magical techniques in every direction.

——–but everything was useless.

No matter what she tried, she could not escape from her position.

She was currently banished into another void of space, unable to move, unable to leave, forced to sit still until the trial was over.

After recognizing this fact, the God of Life abruptly broke into laughter and shouted: 『 Do you really believe that a mortal can triumph over Deities? Laughable! 』

『 After the Soul Shrieker and Demon Dragon kill that mortal, it will also be all of your deaths! 』

『 At that time, I will make sure to devour each and every one of you! 』

Complete silence.

No one bothered to pay any attention to her.

The long-bearded old man was already snuggly tucked into his bed and snored.

The other pixies were making merry in the void, some playing tag, some hosting banquets, world tours, concerts, there were even pixie couples who were preparing their wedding venues.

Only the buff pixie from before stood still, sneaking glances at his merry friends while continuing to painfully recite his piece: “Ah, erm, the second point, mainly responsible for the reorganization and binding of ongoing trial-related documents, as well as a record of case material…”

On the other side.

The world of the Spire.

This was the Spire Keeper Association’s headquarters; filled with knowledge and secret techniques, it was vast beyond imagination, the size alone was equivalent to at least 7 or 8 regular worlds.

The faint sound of combat, shouting, as well as magical fluctuations, were moving along the wind. The various stabilizing spells that the Spire’s technicians had set up were being dispelled.

The wake of destruction was approaching——-

It was the end of an era.


At the end of the horizon, the sky-rise tower of knowledge abruptly broke in half and slowly collapsed.

The earth trembled.

Untold amounts of dust and dirt were kicked up into the air by the fallen tower, which then spread out in all directions.

At the same time.

At the furthest, most secluded corner of the world.

Black fog manifested from the air, followed by a ship that descended from within.

After that, numerous Professionists also appeared, landing all around the ship and filling up every last inch of space.

Everyone exchanged glances.

Where are we?

Weren’t we supposed to fight against [Chaos]? What do we do now?

The door of the ship opened.

Boss, Barry, Anna, and everyone else flew out, standing on top of the ship.

Anna wielded a burning long-handled scythe enveloped in black flames and spoke to everyone:

“Everyone, listen to me, we have now returned to the day of the Spire’s destruction”

“Our battle will soon commence, please prepare yourselves!”

Everyone who followed the power of the three coins to return to the past were surprised.

The day of the Spire’s destruction.

Which was also the day of Lady Darksea’s death.

A Professionist couldn’t help but question: “What should we do now? Save the Spire? Or save Lady Darksea?”

From afar, a sharp female voice abruptly resounded: 『 Living beings created by the Divine race, you have no idea what true despair is 』

A frenzied male voice followed: 「 Your only value is the nutrients within your souls! 」

A hyper-pitched, extremely high decibel shriek came from a unified voice between the male and female voices: 『「 Souls! Offer up your souls to me! AAAAEEEEEEA———- 』」

Everyone’s expressions changed.

This was the Deity of [Chaos]’s unbeatable ability, capable of absorbing the souls of all living beings!

“It’s ok!”

Anna loudly declared.

She put a 7-colored tower shield in front of herself, activating the power within.

The shield exuded a brilliant light that covered everyone.

——Svalinn’s [Barrier of Soul Protection]!

Within the world-piercing shriek, everyone was intact.

The numerous Professionists loudly cheer!

“Unbelievable, I’m still alive!”

“I was always most afraid of this skill; it was truly hard to deal with”

“If my soul can be protected from being absorbed, I’ll fight against it to the very last moment!”

“This is too perfect!”

Having an artifact to resist against the soul absorption, the greatest fear in everyone’s hearts was dispelled.

While they were cheering, the shrieking abruptly stopped.

A vast ocean-like blue glow swept in from the horizon of space.

The male and female shriek stopped at the same time, angrily roaring:

「『 Who was it!? Who dared to interrupt my feast!? 」』

A female voice sighed from within the vast void of space.

Lady Darksea.

At the moment where everyone on the battlefield would have died, she appeared.

It was this moment!

Anna held the 7-colored shield up high and loudly declared: “Everyone, let us charge forward together! We will save Lady Darksea!”

Everyone cheered in response.

At this point in time, the Soul Shrieker still hadn’t undergone apotheosis, its strength still hasn’t grown to how it was during the Era of [Chaos].

Its strongest technique, the soul absorption had been sealed by the shield.

This was indeed the best chance to kill it!

With this in mind, the Professionists all boiled with fighting spirits.

“It’s time for my revenge” someone muttered.

“Kill it”

“It is the source of our calamity”


With the ship in the lead, the Professionists quickly marched towards the battlefield. The Combatants of the future were making their way into the main war zone.

Standing on the ship, Kitty had a look of hesitation.

“Is this going to be fine? I’m still a bit concerned”

Anna held the 7-colored shield tightly in her hand and replied: “Don’t worry, everything is going according to Gu Qing Shan’s calculations, there shouldn’t be any issues”

Boss also followed up: “There is already one Soul Shrieker in the battlefield, so the Soul Shrieker from our era would not show itself, otherwise, the Law of Time will immediately erase one of the two in order to ensure that the timeline and events of history wouldn’t be changed”

Zhang Ying Hao agreed: “That’s right, the Deity of [Chaos] wouldn’t show up on the battlefield!”

“Unless it wanted to gamble in order to see which version of itself would survive”

Everyone quickly swarmed the battlefield.

The Soul Shrieker was standing still——- across from it, the faint figure of a woman could be seen within the mass of light.

The woman sighed:

「 Today I will die, but not by being devoured by you 」

“Wait! Lady Darksea, we’re here to help you!” Zhang Ying Hao shouted.

Lady Darksea turned around.

The self-destructive power on her body had been suppressed.

“You are—–”

Lady Darksea observed the numerous Combatants and doubtfully asked.

Anna raised the 7-colored shield and loudly said: “Lady Darksea, we have a way to prevent its soul absorption!”

Lady Darksea and the Soul Shrieker both turned to look at the shield.

The Soul Shrieker’s gaze suddenly turned strange.

Its male voice spoke: 「 So, there really were people who returned from the future 」

Its female voice continued: 『 Continuing to remain here would only affect my future and affect the final piece of the puzzle to complete the Era of [Chaos] 』

The male voice spoke up again: 「 Following the information received from before, the battlefield shall be left to my future self 」

The female voice replied: 『 Indeed, let’s go! 』

The Soul Shrieker waved its hand to summon a gate of light and slowly entered.

The gate of light gradually faded away.

Its body could no longer be seen.

——-it had really left.

Everyone was stunned.

All of a sudden, a layer of black fog enveloped the sky above.

Two figures slowly manifested from within the black fog.

In just a few moments, they descended from the sky and appeared in front of everyone.

The Soul Shrieker.

And Demon Dragon.

The Soul Shrieker took a step forward speaking in a sharp female voice: 『 You think such childish tricks are enough to fight against this Deity? 』

The endless power of [Chaos] was being exuded from its body.

The mere fluctuation of this power caused numerous people to be blown away.

Everyone’s hearts sank.

The Soul Shrieker glanced over everyone with a mocking expression.

It then spoke with its cruel male voice:

「 Today, all of you shall remain here, no one will be able to escape their deaths! 」