Chapter 2069

The Almighty Ring

Chapter 2069: Chapter 2065: Blood-soaked breakout

Translator: 549690339

General Pavlov was very confident about this ambush. Although they did not communicate with their ally, the Holy Advent Emissary, due to the lack of time, Pavlov believed that.., the fleet under his command alone was enough to deal a heavy blow to Aurelia.

After about half an hour, a star flashed and a lone star unmanned reconnaissance ship appeared in the Stargate.

“It’s Here!”Pavlov’s heart skipped a beat.

“Sir, the capture net is ready!”The Adjutant reported.

“Capture!”With Pavlov’s order, more than ten frigates swarmed forward. These modified frigates were removed from the weapon system, but they were equipped with tractor beam launchers.., a few frigates instantly surrounded the unmanned reconnaissance drone, and with a few tractor beams, the unmanned reconnaissance drone was imprisoned.

Another star shone, and another unmanned scout ship entered the Stargate. It was clear that Aurelia was very cautious — she had sent more than one scout ship.

However, because Pavlov was prepared, the unmanned scout ship was soon captured. A few minutes later, the third unmanned scout ship passed through the Stargate, and was captured by Pavlov’s fleet.

“Wutong Yeva, it’s up to You Now!”Pavlov said as he faced the big screen.

“Yes, General!”A blonde beauty appeared on the big screen.

If Jiang Fei was on General Pavlov’s flagship, he would definitely be able to recognize that this Wutong Yeva was no longer just an AI. She had already begun to evolve into an artificial intelligence, moreover, her level of evolution was not low. Although she was not as advanced as 0541, she was at least on par with Malachi, who was by Jiang Fei’s side.

With the existence of an artificial intelligence like Parasol Yeva, it was naturally not difficult to modify the data of the scouting ship’s onboard computer. Therefore, very soon.., the data of the Three Lonely Star class unmanned scouting ships was completely modified by Parasol Yeva.

“Release them back.”Following Pavlov’s order, the three unmanned scout ships were thrown into the Stargate.

Because of the modified data, the three unmanned scout ships had completed their reconnaissance mission in the program. There was no trace of the enemy on this side of the Stargate, so they could return through the Stargate.

Not long after the three scout ships passed through the Stargate, Aurelia’s fleet started moving. Because Lux had let Bella borrow it, there was no artificial intelligence on Aurelia’s side, therefore, when the three unmanned scout ships returned, she did not find anything unusual.

Furthermore, during the battle for more than a year, Aurelia had already trusted Vinlon very much. Once the enemy ambushed her, Vinlon would definitely inform her in advance. If another commander came, with such strong intelligence protection.., when he passed through the Stargate, he might not even send a scout ship first. However, Aurelia was already cautious enough, but she still fell into the enemy’s trap.

Under Aurelia’s orders, the army started to pass through the Stargate!

“Shua Shua Shua…”along with the specks of Starlight, Aurelia’s fleet passed through the Stargate and appeared in the encirclement of Pavlov one after another!

“The main cannons hit the firepower, hit them hard!”With Pavlov’s order, the Vassari fleet fired ten thousand cannons at the same time.

“Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!”In an instant, Aurelia’s fleet suffered heavy losses. Because they had just jumped through the Stargate, the shields of the Aurelia fleet had not been raised, even though the skin of the brown bear was thick and tough, under the circumstances of not being focused on, they had escaped the ending of being dismembered and killed. However, those frigates and even the functional cruisers were in a terrible situation. A large number of warships turned into fireworks, those crew members did not even have the time to enter the lifeboat before they were buried in the flames.

“Damn it! How could there be an ambush here!”Aurelia hammered the armrest of the chair, this time, Vinlon did not warn them in advance. Furthermore, the scout ship had brought back information on the other side of the Stargate. Who would have thought that they would be ambushed here?

However, Aurelia was a commander who had been through many battles. She knew that now was not the time to pursue responsibility. The most important thing was to break out of the encirclement first. If she allowed the fleet to stop at the enemy’s concentrated firepower.., then when the second round of attacks arrived, her losses would be even more severe!

“Order the fleet to activate their shields at full strength. Brown Bear, go forward and block the enemy’s artillery fire. Starship, follow up and provide supplies to brown bear at any time!”Aurelia gave the order while asking her adjutant to report their losses, although the exact figures had not been calculated yet, Aurelia was very clear in her heart that she had just experienced the biggest loss in more than a year!

“Reporting, commander. In the ambush just now, we lost twenty-two frigates, four heavy patrol ships, and seven light patrol ships! Moreover, there are five heavy patrol ships and four light patrol ships that were seriously damaged and can no longer participate in the battle!”The adjutant handed Aurelia the war damage report.

“Sigh!”Aurelia sighed. The loss of so many battleships was secondary. The key point was that her fleet was different from the “Player”fleet. These spaceships were filled with crew members, there were tens to hundreds of people in a frigate, close to a thousand in a cruiser, not to mention a heavy patrol. There were two to three thousand crew members, and not many of them were lucky enough to escape into the lifeboats.., most of them would die in the void of space.

In just a few minutes, Aurelia’s fleet had been dispatched. Don’t think that a few minutes was too long. In space battles, adjusting the formation was not an easy task.., to be able to complete Aurelia’s request within a few minutes was enough to prove that this fleet was seasoned veterans.

At this moment, the Vasari Fleet’s main cannon was almost fully charged, and their second attack was about to arrive.

“Charge over! Don’t break out with your back!”Aurelia was different from normal commanders. When normal commanders saw the enemy surround them from three sides, they would definitely turn around and run to the back, because there was no one there to stop them.

However, the problem was that if you showed your back to the enemy, wouldn’t that be asking for a kick? Being chased by the enemy all the way, even if you could run, you wouldn’t be able to escape. Just this loss alone could completely destroy the fleet.

Therefore, at this crucial moment, Aurelia made a prompt decision. She ordered to charge into the enemy formation and kill a way out from the enemy fleet. When the bow of the ship was used to attack the enemy, not only would the shield be the thickest.., after killing a way out, if the enemy wanted to turn around and chase after them, it would be a waste of time. At that time, it would be enough for Aurelia’s fleet to start the warp engine.