Chapter 814: Supreme Shrine

Spirit Vessel

Dongfang Jingyue’s face remained hidden. He could only see her mesmerizing and shimmering eyes.

“Have… you been well?” He asked.

Feiyun turned into a devil due to his blood after Nangong Hongyan’s death. He didn’t know what was going on then, only that Jingyue was with him the entire time. She eventually brought him to Beastmaster Camp.

He had a faint and incomplete recollection of this.

“Mmm.” She suddenly proposed: “Want to hear a tune?”

“Sure.” Feiyun stood beneath the shade of a cassia tree. His long hair fluttered to the wind. He watched the beauty with a calm mind.

This life and the previous have been full of chaos. The pipa was still as calming as ever as it went on for a bit.

Time came to a halt. Even the foul-mouthed Yun Ge quietly stood on Dongfang Jingyue’s shoulder, seemingly immersed in the music.

Just one song. She pulled her fingers back and said: “When are you leaving Jin?”

“Within three months.” He initially wanted to say, after saving Supreme Goddess. However, he chose not to bring her up in front of Dongfang Jingyue.

“Do you have a method to leave?”

“There’s indeed a path.”

“Can you take me with you?” She asked.

“Well…” Feiyun wanted to ask something before refraining.

“It’s not convenient?” She slowly lowered her head.

“I’m sorry.” Feiyun turned away. He left the clan in silence and returned to Yao Ji’s place.

She was already back and smiled after seeing him: “There’s something on your mind, oh great demon’s son? A beauty is making you sad?”

“Did you get any new information?” He composed himself and said.

“One good and one bad, which one do you want to hear first?” Yao Ji wore a pale blue dress instead of her official uniform right now and a red satin outer layer, looking like a rich noble daughter.

“Good first.”

“Supreme Goddess has returned, she’s in her shrine right now.” Yao Ji smiled.

“What about the bad news?” Feiyun had an excited expression.

“So is the empress.” Yao Ji revealed.

Feiyun’s expression darkened. This Long Jiangling was so annoying. This was clearly a trap for him.

“There’s another news. She brought back a half-formation at the Heaven’s Emergence level from an unknown location. In one month, the royal clan had connected this formation to their dragon stone. The capital is impregnable now.” Yao Ji added.

Feiyun naturally knew where she got it from and got a higher evaluation of her. This woman’s wisdom and formation skill were actually comparable to cultivators at the Heaven’s Emergence level.

A frightening enemy indeed.

He got up to leave but Yao Ji latched onto him with her soft body and perfect white skin. Her fragrance resembled that of a virgin as she whispered: “Don’t leave tonight, okay?”

Feiyun gently patted her shoulder and pulled up her half-off red gown: “Another day.”

He left the mansion and entered the capital. Despite the looming crisis, the place was still filled with songs and dancings.

He went back to the princess’ place and saw someone offering their respect in front of his grave.

“A hero dying too young, oh so tragic! Brother Feng, another drink.” Bi Ningshuai sat in front of Feiyun’s grave and poured a cup of wine down before drinking himself.

The turtle lay there and sighed: “The dead can’t return to life. Old Bi, don’t be sad.”

“I’m not sad! We were best friends but he still extorted my Blood-being Exalted Pot before death, only to bury it with him!” Ningshuai’s tears streamed down.


Feiyun stood behind him and patted his shoulder: “The pot is actually Yama’s skull, it’s not good to keep it around.”

“I know! I’m not angry about the pot but because he has so much good stuff on him yet he didn’t leave a thing or two to me. Wait, old turtle, how do you know that it’s Yama’s skull…”

Ningshuai got chills with goosebumps all over. He stopped being drunk and slowly turned around only to see Feiyun smiling at him.

He rubbed his eyes and glanced back at the grave before screaming: “A ghost!!!...”

Feiyun covered his mouth right away. Ningshuai could see that the guy was real and heaved a sigh of relief: “Shit, I thought you climbed out of the coffin. The old turtle said you were dead for sure.”

The turtle immediately put on a serious expression: “Do I look like an unknowledgeable turtle? I knew that this guy can’t die so easily.”

“Bullshit! You change your mind faster than the flip of a page.” Ningshuai said.

Feiyun’s survival surprised everyone. Long Cangyue, Little Demoness, and the two Ji Sisters came over as well.

“Bro, we don’t need to be afraid of the Yin and Yang people anymore with you back.” The excited demoness grabbed his arm and leaned her pretty face on his shoulder, not wanting to let go.

“Why are you afraid when this powerful turtle is around?” Feiyun became curious.

The turtle managed to destroy the first Venerable of Yang - a testament to its power.

The turtle coughed and its voice became feeble: “The truth is that I was invincible once, completely peerless. Alas, I am under a curse and can only use my power once every thousand years. I have to wait another thousand years then.”

“Really now?” Feiyun has never heard of this curse before.

The turtle put on a sad yet cool expression and said: “Yes, I still remember that day, the sun was setting to the west, my youth passing by...”

“What good are you then? Might as well make a soup out of you. A several thousand-year-old turtle? Not too bad.” Feiyun lifted it up by the tail.

“No, no, I’m still useful! My shell is extremely hard. I’m not trying to brag here but those two palace lords from Sacred Spirit still can’t break my shell.” The turtle panicked.

“Really now?” Ningshuai was skeptical and used his Ice Severer to hit the shell. The only thing he accomplished was hurting his own hand after half a day.

Feiyun still didn’t buy it. He thought that it was actually one of the four great demon races, a Black Tortoise - a creature on the same level as a phoenix.

Alas, the turtle spewed out random stuff. It was hard to know which sentence was true or not.

It lay down on the ground, breathing weakly as if it was fatigued from the last battle.


“What, you want to go to the shrine of Supreme Goddess?!” Everyone shouted.

They have been paying attention and knew that this shrine was extremely heavily guarded with top masters, killing all intruders.

“There are devout followers there, some are just as strong as you.” Long Cangyue said.

“I heard Supreme Goddess looks exactly like Nangong Hongyan, just without her memories.”

“She is a fiend, Bro, you need to be careful and not fall into her trap.”

Feiyun sent all of them into Heavenly Kingdom, leaving only the turtle outside. He then ran towards the shrine.

“Why me?” The turtle had a bitter expression.

“You bragged about your shell being the toughest defense in the world. You’ll deal with the empress when we’re there.” Feiyun replied.

“Fuck! I don’t want to go if she’s there… Let go of my tail! Let go!”

Once they got near the shrine, the turtle stopped struggling and yelling.

The great statue carved by Feiyun near the Jin River has been brought to the capital. The place was filled with temples and shrines - bright lamps and great radiance.

The winds tonight were especially biting.

They saw a phantom manifesting into a physical form, emitting a terrible aura.

“Quite strong.” Feiyun hid his aura and took several steps backward, hiding in the shadows.

He thought that this aura was very familiar. Oh, right! That Peakless Lord.

He became tense because this being was quite powerful. Just one copy of it was enough to cause so much trouble. What about the real thing?

Suddenly, someone appeared behind Feiyun - Yao Ji.

She gestured for them to stay quiet before raising her hand. An invisible formation circled the two of them, completely hiding their auras.