Chapter 1056: Ninth-level Nirvana

Spirit Vessel

Chapter 1056: Ninth-level Nirvana

The news of the attack spread across the realm and shocked the entire dynasty. Everyone recalled the humiliation suffered ten thousand years ago.

Sixth Central was a representative of the human race yet it was nearly taken over again? How ridiculous.

This caused the youths in the dynasty to feel the urge to teach the Yin World a lesson and re-establish their dynasty’s glory.

“Sixth is filled with talents, a place of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. We must teach these evil cultivators a lesson, take down their gate and flatten the Yin World!” A last-gen cultivator expressed his view.

Aggression could be heard everywhere, asking Sacred Court to declare war.

On this day, Sacred Court also sent out a public declaration: “Azure Territory Lord has returned from his isolated cultivation in an outer world.”

This caused another wave of astonishment.

A century ago, the territory lord has left for training. Sacred Court only had an avatar left behind.

He had attacked the Yin World before and saved the lord of Sacred Court. People still sang praises of his conquest.

Just one avatar was enough to keep peace in the dynasty, let alone his body.

“The territory lord isn’t weak like the current ruler, just watch. If his real body is back, he’ll make a big move.”

Some also speculated about his current cultivation. After all, he had already reached a frightening level before embarking on this training session. Perhaps he has fulfilled his potential.

He met the lord of Sacred Court on the same day. In the evening, the lord sent out a summon for all 148 territory lords to come to Sacred Court within ten days.

Crimson Territory Lord also received a letter. He read and closed it with a faint smile.

“My Lord, what does Azure Territory Lord want to do?” The quick-witted Liu Suzi couldn’t guess his intention.

The lord of Sacred Court was only a puppet at this point. Azure was in charge.

Crimson laughed and said: “A monumental event. Go send a command to the 8,654 domain lords of our territory. In just five days, each domain must recruit one million cultivators at Nirvana and up.”

“One million elites per domain? That is quite difficult, I’m sure some domains won’t be able to muster this force.” Liu Suzi became emotional.

He nodded and his eyes became fierce: “I’m sure they will find a way. If they can’t, then maybe they’re not worthy of being domain lords.”

This was an unprecedented mass mobilization from Crimson. The other territory lords issued similar commands.

It seemed that the Yin World has gone out of line and truly provoked Sixth Central. A real war was about to begin.


A storm raged violently, not because of the gales but rather from space colliding internally.

The Trinity Flame Cauldron was stuck in the storm. Eighty-one phoenix bones floated and slowly turned into a figure.

Feiyun woke up again and felt something entirely new – returning from death. His mind became increasingly lucid. The questions and problems regarding cultivation became clear to him.

“Few have reached the ninth level in history, only the most accomplished figures. Is this their level?” He closed his eyes and realized many truths and laws.

He could sense the power of the flames around him, even their life force.

Everything in the world was alive, flames included. The cauldron, space, dirt…

“The ninth rebirth is the limit of death but why do I see life everywhere now? Does this mean that from death comes life?”

Feiyun tried to calm down again. His phoenix bones were still burning and emitting endless energy. They positioned themselves in his skeleton to give him more life.

He didn’t know what realm he was at, only that his lifespan has reached a frightening level.

He drank three blood pills made from paragons to improve his power and vitality.

“Boom!” After some time, he leaped out of the cauldron and summoned the vessel to jump into the storm.

In the next moment, he appeared in the treasury again. His flames melted the ground and the nearby palaces into lava.

“Another invader? Kill him!” Two rays from spirit treasures came crashing down.

A pair of fiery wings automatically appeared on his back. He extended his divine intent and murmured: “Looks like they’ve left the treasury, seems like I’ve been in the cauldron for a while.”

He flapped his wings and sent the two treasures flying into the cauldron for refinement.

“They must have gotten quite a few treasures, that’s why the guardians are so angry.” Feiyun only cared about the phoenix bone.

Now, after reaching the ninth level, there was no reason for him to linger around so he headed for the exit.

“Stay where you are!” Two old men ambushed him; each wielding an eleventh-ranked pagoda. One turned into a glacier while the other created an inferno.

Feiyun crushed them with his cauldron and forced the two old men back. He smiled as he flew by: “See ya.”

The two old men couldn’t believe it since this power was beyond them.

Someone caught and helped stabilize them. This was an elder of the guardian tribe. Despite his age, he looked rather young and wore a white robe. His weapon of choice was a spear; a symbol with five stars could be seen on his forehead.

“Elder.” The two old men bowed to this person.

“Rise. He’s not going anywhere.” The youth said sternly.

Ever since the first group got out, the guardians fixed the obvious mistakes. Now, it became far harder to escape.

Feiyun tried several times and was forced back by the barriers.

“This is the true power of its defense, not even a pseudo-saint can get past. Looks like I have to go through the front entrance.” He thought.

A majestic force manifested into reality and froze his sleeve. He knew that a top guardian was here.

“Invader, you were lucky to survive the pseudo-saint’s shadow.” The youth looked around twenty-seven years of age but in reality, his actual age would frighten people.

He thrust his spear forward, prompting Feiyun to use the Trigram Seal and create a black-white maelstrom to block it.

“Your guardian tribe has courageous heroes that are worthy of respect. Don’t force me to kill.” Feiyun was being pushed back by the spear.

“Hmph! Killing invaders is our responsibility!” The elder didn’t relent.

Feiyun continued to retreat while smiling: “I’m sure your tribe is responsible for protecting Sacred Court, not just this treasury. What you are doing is unacceptable.”

“What do you mean?” The elder stopped and glared at him.

Feiyun met his gaze and said: “When was the last time you left this treasury? Looks like you have no idea regarding the situation outside.”

The elder uttered coldly: “We are obeying the decree by the lord since thirty thousand years ago, to protect the treasury and not take a single step outside without permission.”