Monster Factory
  • Autor
    The sheathed swordXia Zhong Cang Jia匣中藏剑
  • Alternative Namen
    Chao Ji Guai Shou Gong Chang 超級怪獸工廠 超级怪兽工厂
  • Quelle
    ProfessionalGameThrower, senseitranslation
  • Status

Monster Factory


I am Ye Qing. Lucky I found a [Monster Factory] application.

This bunch of super strong monsters are individually comparable to over 100 human beings, and they bring all kinds of skills!

Efficiency? With the skill processing speed +300, you still want to compete?

Precision? *cough, cough* Bring me that legendary dial caliper, let’s show them what absolute precision really mean.

Ye Qing: When, us, men want to be successful, we pull out our wallets.

Monsters: Don’t... Weiterlesen >>

Neueste Veröffentlichungen Kapitel

  1. Chapter 758: Go back or leave.

    1 Jahr, 1 Monat her
  2. Chapter 757: Release the person.

    1 Jahr, 1 Monat her
  3. Chapter 756: Unexpected developments.

    1 Jahr, 1 Monat her
  4. Chapter 755: The cargo ship is detained.

    1 Jahr, 1 Monat her
  5. Chapter 754: The enemy behind.

    1 Jahr, 1 Monat her

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