Chapter 2303 - No Spirit Of Loyalty

Martial Peak

Chapter 2303, No Spirit Of Loyalty

Translator: Silavin & frozenfire

Translation Checker: PewPewLazerGun

Editor and Proofreader: Leo of Zion Mountain & Dhael Ligerkeys

“My Young Master has invited Little Brother over to discuss some matters.” Suppressing the displeasure in his heart, the old man replied with a deep voice.

“Not interested!” Yang Kai immediately rejected the invitation without any consideration at all.

Shock filled the entire hall as his words rang out.

The surrounding cultivators who were enjoying the show all had their eyes wide open as they stared dumbly at Yang Kai. He didn’t appear to be from Thousand Leaves Sect, but just how powerful of a background must he have for him to dare to reject Qiu Yu’s invitation like that? The bustling and lively inner hall was suddenly filled with a moment of silence.

The old man had similarly not expected that Yang Kai would actually refuse in such a straightforward manner. In the next instant, his old face sank as he quickly said, “Little Brother, seeing that you’re still young, the strength of your ears might not be sufficient, so this old master will repeat…”

Yang Kai gave a meaningful grin and cut him off, “I’m not going even if you repeat it a hundred times. Can’t you see that I’m busy?”

After saying those words, he picked up another spirit fruit and shoved it into his mouth.

The old man’s expression sunk even deeper, “You’d best think carefully before answering again, Little Brother.”

Yang Kai raised his eyebrow and replied in defiance, “What’s wrong? Are you threatening me? This is City Lord’s concubine marriage ceremony! If you dare to create trouble, do you think I won’t dare to report you to the City Lord and make him kick you out?”

He raised his voice quite a bit while replying, causing even more guests who were seated further away to look over in curiosity.

Cold sweat immediately appeared on the old man’s forehead as waves of embarrassment and shame surged in his heart. Although he didn’t fear Luo Jin much, if he was to do something forcefully like oppressing the weak in front of so many people’s eyes, it would damage the honour and reputation of Sky Illumination Palace.

Continuing to munch on spirit fruits, Yang Kai squeezed his words through his fruit-filled mouth, “Big Brother, you’re already not young, and yet you still frequently provoke people’s anger. Are you planning on living like a dog for the rest of your life?”


Upon hearing his reply, Ye Jing Han immediately spat out the mouthful of water she was about to drink to cover up the elation she had felt just a moment ago.

“You…” The old man grew agitated with anger.

Yang Kai snorted, “Don’t ‘you’ me, ah!? If Qiu Yu wants to talk to me, tell him to come here in person. You’ve got to get your facts right here, it’s him that wants to find this Young Master, not the other way around!”

After saying those words, a look of disdain appeared on his face as he mumbled, “He really has a problem! Heaven knows where his insufferable ego came from!”

Then, he proceeded to engage in a battle with the fruit platter once again.

“You’re very good, little brat! This old master will remember you!” The old man was filled with unbearable anger. After hearing Yang Kai’s response, he flung his sleeves and left in fury. No matter what, he was still a Third-Order Dao Source Realm Master, and was recognised for his worth by the Sky Illumination Palace’s Palace Master. Yet today, he had been rebuked and humiliated by this youth in front of everyone! If not for his apprehension towards blowing this matter up, he would have already taken action to teach Yang Kai a lesson.

However, he would remember today’s embarrassment in his heart. He would wait till the end of this ceremony before teaching Yang Kai a good lesson.

After the old man had left, Wu Ma’s eyes shone like torches as he looked at Yang Kai. With a face brimming with excitement, he exclaimed, “Brother Yang, I really like you a lot!”

A cold shiver ran through Yang Kai’s entire body, his face turning somewhat pale as he stared at Wu Ma, gulping down his saliva, he hastily replied, “I’m only interested in women!”

Embarrassment and helplessness instantly appeared on Wu Ma’s face, “I don’t mean like that, Brother Yang! I’m just saying that… the way you’ve handled this matter truly makes people feel satisfied!”

Ever since coming into the city yesterday, Wu Ma’s stomach was filled to the brim with grievances; however, watching the earlier matter unfold had left his heart feeling satisfied. The Thousand Leaves Sect disciples were carrying many grievances but were incapable of handling matters in such a satisfying manner as Yang Kai had just done, leaving them with no other choice but to endure the humiliation in silence, but Yang Kai didn’t have any such apprehensions and just did whatever he pleased.

Although Du Xian also had a look of satisfaction present on his face, his heart was now filled with worry; after all, with Yang Kai embarrassing the old man in front of everyone, he did not know whether Sky Illumination Palace was going to let this matter slide or not. Furthermore, with Sky Illumination Palace and Sky Crane City colluding with one another, just the chance that the two parties would take action against the Thousand Leaves Sect disciples on their way back would be a huge trouble for his Thousand Leaves Sect to deal with.

Just as he was immersed in his worries, he felt a pair of soft hands encasing his large hand. Du Xian raised his head and saw Ye Jing Han looking at him with a smile on her beautiful face, “Don’t worry, Senior Brother. Young Master Yang… has his reasons behind his actions.”

Du Xian’s expression changed. Although he did not know why Ye Jing Had had this level of confidence towards Yang Kai, he had been infected by her belief, causing him to nod lightly as his heart started to relax.

On the other side, the old man had returned to Qiu Yu’s side, before whispering in the latter’s ear for a moment.

Raising his head to look towards the direction of Yang Kai, a frown proceeded to appear on Qiu Yu’s face. After remaining silent for a while, he slowly stood up.

He was actually going to walk over.

The expressions of the Thousand Leaves Sect disciples changed drastically, looking as if they were about to face their greatest enemies. Yang Kai was the only exception, as he continued to munch on spirit fruits, causing clear crunching noises to echo.

After a short while, Qiu Yu, accompanied by two old men, arrived before the table where the Thousand Leaves Sect disciples sat.

Du Xian immediately stood up and growled, “Brother Qiu, this is the place where the City Lord will wed his concubine, and the ceremony is about to start. Are you planning on creating a disturbance for the City Lord?”

Qiu Yu looked at him and replied, “Rest assured. I’m not here to cause trouble. I’m here just to say a few words to Brother Yang!”

“Just a few words?” Du Xian frowned, as he really wasn’t able to comprehend the reason behind Qiu Yu personally coming over to their table just to talk with Yang Kai. After all, based on yesterday’s events, these two people clearly didn’t know each other beforehand, so how could any grudge or grievance form between them?

Qiu Yu patted Du Xian’s shoulder to indicate for him to sit down. Walking over to Yang Kai’s side, he shot a look at the Thousand Leaves Sect disciple who was seated beside the latter.

The Thousand Leaves Sect disciple frowned, but nevertheless still vacated his seat.

Qiu Yu tapped his folding fan against his arm, closing it up. Sitting down beside Yang Kai, he proceeded to speak, “Brother Yang, right?”

Yang Kai replied without raising his head, “Brother Qiu, I see that the spot between your eyebrows has turned dark, your pupils look distracted, your lips and tongue look charred, your spirit is dispersing, and there’s a dark red shade on your face. I’m afraid that you’re about to face impending death.”

Qiu Yu gawked in response, before opening the corner of his mouth slightly to sneer, “So Brother Yang’s also adept at face reading, and proficient in the art of divination?”

Yang Kai tilted his head to look at him, “Not really. However, there’s a strand of Death Qi winding around your body, and it is indicating that great danger will surely befall you today.”

“What a joke,” Qiu Yu sneered, “Today is the City Lord’s concubine marriage ceremony. With such jubilation filling the air, how could an omen of great danger appear?”

“It’s up to you to believe it or not.” Yang Kai spat in disdain.

A slight frown appeared on Qiu Yu’s face, “Then from Brother Yang’s point of view, what should I do to dispel this ill omen?”

“Tidy up your things and leave here without delay,” Yang Kai replied casually, “Do you really need me to teach you something as simple as that?”

Qiu Yu was struck by a wave of speechlessness as he shook his head, “Enough with this nonsense. This Young Master has come over here to ask Brother Yang a question.”


Qiu Yu proceeded to open his mouth, though no sounds rang out. Clearly, he was using a sound-transmitting Secret Technique to communicate.

This piqued the curiosity of Du Xian and Ye Jing Han, as they did not know exactly what question Qiu Yu had raised to Yang Kai.

After their scrutiny, Yang Kai revealed a crafty smile after listening to Qiu Yu’s words, before replying, “Never came back? You’re in deep trouble, Brother Qiu!”

“Can’t you speak a little softer?’ Qiu Yu growled between his clenched teeth at Yang Kai.

Yang Kai nodded, “Sure, sure.”

After saying those words, he transmitted, “That little girl by the name of Luo Bing didn’t return after following you out yesterday? Are you sure about that?”

Qiu Yu nodded, “I went out yesterday night to find her; however, her personal maidservant did not see her come back. Today, I went out again to find her, but there’s still no trace of her…”

Yang Kai smiled, “Does the City Lord know about this matter?”

Qiu Yu replied, “Do you think the City Lord knows about it? He has fourteen concubines, yet has no other children other than that daughter of his. Every other day, he would treat her like a treasure. If he knew that Luo Bing was missing, the entire Sky Crane City would be turned upside down by now. How would you and I be able to sit here in peace then?”

“Since she’s missing, shouldn’t you go and find her? Why are you here asking me this?” Yang Kai asked with a puzzled look on his face.

“That’s because Luo Bing had followed behind you after you left that store yesterday,” Qiu Yu replied.

Yang Kai narrowed his eyes, “Brother Qiu, your words seem to indicate that I’ve done something improper to Young Lady Luo Bing.”

“Naturally, it would be great if that wasn’t the case. I only hope that she’s able to return safely by today if possible. If that happens, the issue can be forgotten without any further incident; however, if she loses even a single hair, this Young Master will definitely let the person who injured her enjoy the taste of torture,” As Qiu Yu said those words, a chilling intent gleamed within his eyes.

Yang Kai sneered in response, “Brother Qiu is threatening the wrong person. After leaving that store yesterday, I immediately headed for Heavenly Puppet Workshop, and I did not see Young Lady Luo Bing at all. You can verify this fact with the people of Heavenly Puppet Workshop, as well as the Thousand Leaves Sect disciples here. This is my first time here, and I don’t have any grudge or grievance with Sky Crane City, so why would I find trouble with Young Lady Luo Bing?”

“Is that true?” Qiu Yu focused his gaze.

Yang Kai snorted, “If someone really provokes me, I’ll personally take action and let them understand the consequences of doing so. Do you think that I’ll do something as despicable as kidnapping their daughter?”

Qiu Yu’s gaze wavered, “Good, I believe you. Although our conversation has been short, this Young Master can understand that with Brother Yang’s straightforward character, you would of course not do something as despicable as that. Nevertheless, Brother Yang, if you receive any news of Luo Bing, this Qiu would be grateful if you can pass on the information.”

“No problem.” Yang Kai nodded lightly.

“Farewell!” Cupping his hands, Qiu Yu proceeded to stand.

However, before he could leave, Yang Kai pressed him right back into his seat.

“Does Brother Yang still have other matters to talk about?” Qiu Yu asked with a frown.

“It isn’t a serious matter, just a small request for Brother Qiu,” Yang Kai gave a meaningful grin, his smile brimming with sinister and devious intent. This caused Qiu Yu’s heart to jump, while a feeling of unease welled up inside him.

“What request…” Qiu Yu whispered.

Yang Kai followed up, “Is it possible for Brother Qiu to help us change seats?”

Qiu Yu asked with some doubt, “Change seats?”

“Indeed!” Yang Kai nodded his head and replied with a faint smile, “The light here is bad and I really don’t like it, so I was hoping to change to another place with better illumination.”

The corners of Qiu Yu’s mouth twitched in response, while beads of cold sweat appeared on his forehead. Extending his hand, he wiped them off, “Where… would you like to move to?”

Yang Kai extended his hand and pointed, “I feel that it’s pretty good over there. That table also just so happens to be empty.”

Qiu Yu’s face immediately sunk, “Do you know which person that seat is for?”

Yang Kai smiled and replied, “A seat is a seat, right?”

“No, no, this matter absolutely cannot be done,” Qiu Yu hastily waved his hands in response.

Yang Kai’s face immediately turned chilly, “How can you be like that, Brother Qiu? I’ve immediately accepted the matter you’ve entrusted to me. Now, when I ask you for a small request, you continue to throw out all sorts of excuses. Aren’t you too lacking in the spirit of loyalty?”

Qiu Yu’s eyes snapped wide open as he thought, [What spirit of loyalty is there between us?] Furthermore, Yang Kai just replied casually to the earlier matter! Was there even a shred of sincerity in Yang Kai’s reply at all?