Chapter 1719: Holy Fruits


Huang Xiaolong let out a carefree laugh, “I really hope that he will keep up his chase...”

The battle on the Black Ant Plane had lasted for two days and nights.

It was earth-shattering, and the entire plane surface had been split apart violently! There was no longer a Black Ant Plane located in the Hell Asura World!

Moreover, even some of the surrounding galaxies and plane surfaces were affected by the battle’s shockwaves. Some of the plane surfaces were left with numerous holes, and some were even beaten until they had become “crippled.”

Due to the protection of the Heavenly Hall, Chu Han was unable to touch Huang Xiaolong.

However, the opposite was true as well; Huang Xiaolong had failed to kill Chu Han with the City of Eternity.

Neither of them had managed to do anything to the other party.

After two days of fierce fighting, Chu Han had depleted quite a lot of his godforce and could not continue the battle. He had made the smart choice and retreated; otherwise, Huang Xiaolong was confident he could have defeated Chu Han.

That was also why Huang Xiaolong found it a pity that Chu Han had given up his chase.

After the mighty battle against the number one acknowledged expert in the Hell Asura World, Huang Xiaolong knew that he would establish his might as the new king of hell!

He had utterly exterminated both the Black Ant Clan and their headquarters. And he did so even when Chu Han had ambushed him!

The outcome of the battle would sweep through the three worlds of Hell in no time at all!

He wanted everyone in Hell to know that they would be in for a similar fate as long as they dared to betray him! Even an expert that surpassed the Emperor Realm wouldn’t be enough to protect them!

At the same time, he wanted everyone to know that even though their new king of hell was only a mid-Fifth Order Heavenly Monarch, not even an existence like Chu Han could kill him!

That was one of the main reasons he had decided to attack the Black Ant Clan head-on, even with Chu Han’s protection!

He needed to use this battle to raise his prestige to a new height.

Once the news of his battle spread, he believed that more and more superpowers in Hell would surely throw their lots in with the Netherworld King’s Organization!

The Massacring Gods Gate’s prestige would suffer a hit, not to mention Chu Han’s authority in Hell. It could be said that the Massacring Gods Gate couldn’t unite the Hell Asura World any longer unless the new king of hell, Huang Xiaolong, was no longer in existence.

However, who would be able to kill him when even Chu Han had failed to do so?

The only thing that puzzled Huang Xiaolong was the fact that the Heaven Resentment Emperor had failed to make an appearance from start to end.

Could it be that Heaven Resentment Emperor had entered a state of unconsciousness as he drifted between life and death... Otherwise, how was it possible for him to not show up when the Black Ant Plane had been reduced to such a state?!

It was such a pity that so many of the Blood Devil Leeches died during the fight between them.

“Your Majesty, should we head to the Demonic Bone Clan headquarters now?” The Scarlet Flame Dark Qilin asked.

“Alright, let’s go to the Demonic Bone Clan headquarters!” Huang Xiaolong smiled happily.

The two of them then soared into the sky.

After the two of them destroyed the Demonic Bone Clan headquarters, Huang Xiaolong went into seclusion to refine the holy fruits. He needed to increase his strength as quickly as possible.

After all, as the new king of hell, he felt that everyone would look down on him due to his weak cultivation base.

Wait for me to break into the Seventh Order Heavenly Monarch! At that time, I should awaken the three types of Archdevil bloodline in my body!

As soon as the three Archdevil bloodlines awaken, Chu Han wouldn’t be able to kill him even if he tried his hardest.

Perhaps only the Nine Yin Ancestor, Shi Ming, or the Fengdu City’s City Lord, Qin Fan, would be able to pose a threat to him.

A sense of crisis approached him, and Huang Xiaolong felt that he had to break into the Emperor Realm as soon as possible so that he would be able to survive even if Shi Ming and Qin Fan joined hands to kill him!

Just as Huang Xiaolong was rushing to the Demonic Bone Clan headquarters, news of the battle on the Black Ant Plane reached the corners of Hell, and commotion ensued.

“The new king of hell and the Massacring Gods Gate Ancestor, Chu Han, fought for two days and two nights before the two of them went their separate ways!”

“Not even Chu Han could stop the destruction of the Black Ant Clan! He failed to save all the experts from the Black Ant Clan from being killed! I also heard that the Black Ant Plane was shattered during the battle!”

“Chu Han, who had surpassed the Emperor Realm, was actually unable to kill a puny mid-Fifth Order Heavenly Monarch?! Pui! He’s worse than a pig! I’m afraid that even a pig who has reached the Emperor Realm would be able to kill a mid-Fifth Order Heavenly Monarch!”

Sounds of discussions broke out throughout Hell.

Some people refused to believe, some were surprised. Some were gloating, some were sarcastic, and some were furious.

It was just as Huang Xiaolong was expecting. The moment the news started to spread, the prestige of Chu Han and the Massacring Gods Gate fell drastically. As for the Netherworld King’s Organization, they practically became the number one celebrity in hell. More and more superpowers joined them.

After the battle, almost everyone in Hell ‘acknowledged’ Huang Xiaolong as the new king of hell...

A few days later...

The news of the destruction of the Demonic Bone Clan headquarters started to spread as well.

Of course, that was Huang Xiaolong’s ‘masterpiece.’

Even though he had destroyed the headquarters and killed numerous experts of the Demonic Bone Clan, he could not locate their patriarch.

From the looks of things, the patriarch had already escaped a long time ago.

However, Huang Xiaolong wasn’t surprised. It would have been strange for the patriarch to remain at the headquarters, awaiting his death, as the news of Huang Xiaolong killing Liao Yuan had reached his ears a long time back. Huang Xiaolong had no plans on pursuing the patriarch. Instead, he sent down an order to Tai Yue to issue a bounty of one million low-grade chaos spirit stones for the Demonic Bone Clan’s Patriarch’s head.

A few more days passed.

Huang Xiaolong appeared in a spot around an uninhabited celestial body on the northern part of the Hell Asura World. He released his divine sense to look for a suitable spot before flying to the celestial body’s west side.

That was the place where he decided to enter seclusion. He wanted to refine all remaining thirty-six holy fruits.

No matter what, he had to finish refining the thirty-six holy fruits before leaving seclusion.

After arriving at the celestial body’s west side, Huang Xiaolong found an inconspicuous mountain range and dug a cave, directly underground, before setting up several defensive arrays and restrictions. After instructing the Scarlet Flame Dark Qilin to stand guard outside the cave, Huang Xiaolong went deep into it before entering the Heavenly Hall.

Even though the holy fruit was miraculous, its effects increased if he were to refine it inside the Heavenly Hall by borrowing the array’s power.

Huang Xiaolong sat on the altar in the Heavenly Hall as fourteen Radiance Angels stood guard beside him.

He summoned his three avatars and took out a holy fruit. After taking a look at it, he calmed his head and circulated the Grandmist Parasitic Medium.

In the next instant, golden rays of light radiated from the Spirit Fruit and enveloped Huang Xiaolong.

When he finally absorbed the golden rays of light into his body, a comforting wave swept over him. The feeling from the past, where he had devoured the sacred light and received the Heavenly Hall’s inheritance, resurfaced in his mind.