Harem Tales of a Reincarnated Elf Prince
  • Autor
    Bad BucketWarui Baketsuわるいバケツ
  • Alternative Namen
    Tensei Erofu Ouji no Haremu Eiyuutan 転生エルフ王子のハーレム英雄譚
  • Quelle
    Stabbing with a Syringe
  • Status

Harem Tales of a Reincarnated Elf Prince


~I was a good looking prince when I was reborn, and because I could do indecent things as much as I like, I decided to make a harem while traveling with a beautiful female elf~

Formerly an otaku, the hero who was just reincarnated became a handsome elf prince of another world.

In his previous life he was just a plain-faced man, so in this world he uses his high position as a prince to his advantage and keep holding beautiful women in his arms, every day in his life.

With... Weiterlesen >>


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