Chapter 2431: The Land of Words Unspoken

Beastmaster of the Ages

Chapter 2431 - The Land of Words Unspoken

The most sacred place in Ebonia was definitely the Land of Words Unspoken, where the palace of the rex mundi was built. Only the first rex mundi could occupy it, and without their consent, not even the second rex mundi would be allowed to step inside. It was said that the Land of Words Unspoken held the ultimate secret to controlling the Infinitum Bodhimanda. At the same time, the keys to Ebonia’s guard and fusion formations, as well as the passage to the starcore lay there. Thus, it was also the best place for cultivation on the entire planet.

The common folk had the wildest fantasies about the Land of Words Unspoken, but not even one in a trillion had actually seen it, let alone been there. Few could enter the surrounding area, as well. The surroundings contained violent nova source and divine hazards, and had also formed many elemental disasters. Cosmic impulses spilled out from the center of Ebonia and wreaked havoc on the surface.

However, at that moment, two astralships flew through the nova source storm and landed outside the Land of Words Unspoken. They were enormous, gleaming in the darkness. At first glance, they were of the highest class.

Only one person walked out of each ether-class astralship. The figures walked through the wind and flames and stood on the green mountain, staring at the darkness ahead as they spoke.

"Rex Mundi, Yishker Sayedi begs for an audience!" Her voice was gentle and charming, but her tone was grave.

"Greenhill Yushan Clan’s Yushan Taifeng requests an audience with the rex mundi!" a mellifluous and magnetic voice sounded at the same time.

In the black mist, only by standing close enough could one see the appearance of the two. Yishker Sayedi was a woman. Her long hair was coiled up, her figure was enchanting, and her curves were as soft as a water snake. There was something exotic about the flower ornaments on her head and the long skirt below her belly. She was a very seductive woman. Her every frown and smile had an amorous charm which seemed natural and built into her bones.

Of course, the most striking thing about her was her ears, or perhaps her lack of them. Instead, there were two bright red snakes attached to Sayedi’s head, stretching out their bodies and flicking their forked tongues as they stared at the darkness ahead with the same solemnity. She was Yishker Sayedi. Being able to personally request an audience with Yi Daiyan was proof of her status in the Yishker Clan. She was clearly a woman of importance in Ebonia.

The man next to her wore a pale blue robe and had his long hair tied in a bundle. He was elegant and learned, with a dignified appearance. The two locks of hair that flowed down from his temples made him look handsome and carefree. He was an expert from the Greenhill Yushan Clan, Yushan Taifeng. Despite his young age, he was also a well-known figure.

The man and woman stood in the darkness, respectfully waiting for an answer. However, their voices sank like stones into an abyss. There was no reply.

"She won’t see us." Yishker Sayedi bit her lips, her dewy eyes filled with dismay.

"If the ebons are permitted to attack and destroy the Grandnorth Dongshen Clan, the rex mundi’s reputation will be harmed and those still sitting on the fence will stand on the opposing side. That won’t be good for us." Yushan Taifeng helplessly shook his head.

"The rex mundi is strong and has our support. Why not stand and uphold justice?" Yishker Sayedi's gaze trembled.

"Justice? For the ebons, that’s a meaningless word.... I fear they’ll continue pushing their luck if the rex mundi doesn’t respond," said Yushan Taifeng.

"Could the rex mundi be waiting for them to expose their tail before dealing with them?" asked Yishker Sayedi.

"If that's the case, the entire Grandnorth Dongshen Clan will die for nothing." Yushan Taifeng frowned.

"What can we do? Dongshen Yue is part of the Dongshen Clan, and she’s on bad terms with the rex mundi. Even the Lin Clan is in an awkward position. They won’t stand up for the Dongshen Clan, either," said Yishker Sayedi.

The two had come all this way to see Yi Daiyan, but received no response. They chatted for a bit, their brows tightly knit. Just as they were about to leave, a word suddenly appeared in the deep darkness.



Their eyes lit up. The two immediately set off and their figures submerged into the darkness in the blink of an eye, engulfed by the deathly silence.

"Hush. We mustn’t talk in the Land of Words Unspoken. Don't make a sound, just listen," Yushan Taifeng said.

"I know there are some strange things here that don't like to hear voices aside from the rex mundi’s." Awe flickered in Yishker Sayedi’s eyes.

What on earth were those things? The elders didn’t know. Perhaps only their ancestors who had been the first rex mundi knew, but they would never reveal the secret. After a while, the handsome Yushan Taifeng and the charming Yishker Sayedi emerged from the Land of Words Unspoken with content smiles on their faces.

"Let’s go!"

They each boarded their respective astralships and soared into the sky, piercing through the black clouds. Deathly silence fell upon the Land of Words Unspoken once more.


What was doomed to happen couldn’t be avoided. When the silver-haired Chi Hun saw another eleven ether-class astralships approaching Mount Taia from all directions, he couldn't help but reveal a knowing smile.

"I’ve given Yi Daiyan all this time, yet she’s still as silent as a mouse. She must be afraid. Well, since that's the case, I won't hold back. How many years has it been since we spilled blood?" What he meant was blood that flowed into rivers and formed seas.

At this moment, the gold transmission stone in his hand vibrated. Chi Hun quickly responded.

"Begin as soon as they arrive. But there’s something you should pay attention to,” said the figure in the gold transmission stone.

"Please speak." Chi Hun nodded.

"The Lin Clan is far more valuable than the Grandnorth Dongshen Clan. Lin Xiao is the key to the Lin Clan. He must die.... Controlling the Lin Clan and seizing the treasure will ensure smooth progress for our plans," the figure added.

"I understand. The Lin Clan is useful to us, so our most important goal is to kill Lin Xiao." Chi Hun snickered. "That old bastard’s probably fallen out of the top hundred of the reges mundi ranking. If he wasn’t protected by the rules of the Infinitum Bodhimanda, he wouldn’t even be worthy of my attention."

"Meaningless rules should be broken," the figure quietly said. After a brief pause, he continued, “The Dongshen Clan is of secondary importance. If there isn’t enough time, focus on removing the important figures. You must wipe out the direct line, especially Dongshen Zhuojun. He’s a hard one to deal with."

"You can slaughter every last human being on Mount Taia if no one cares at all."

"Yes!" Chi Hun's black eyes surged with emotions, his palms gleaming with silver light.

"I’ll leave it to you, Chi Hun."

"Don’t worry. Everything’s under control." Lowering his head, Chi Hun smirked.

The gold transmission stone dimmed and Chi Hun looked up. At that moment, the other eight ether-class astralships deployed by the ebons had arrived. In addition, there were three more astralships from their allied forces.

"I'll meet with Shuntian Bolong, Wu Su, and Murong Tianhua first. Get ready—we’ll launch a full-scale attack in fifteen minutes!" he ordered.