Yama Rising
  • الكاتب
    Nocturnal Stranger厄夜怪客
  • أسماء بديلة
  • المصدر
  • الحالة

Yama Rising

حركةخارق للطبيعةخيالرعبفنون قتاليةشوانهوانمغامرة

The youthful Qin Ye was born almost a century ago, but thanks to immortality granted to him by the ‘fungus of aeons’ he can pass for a high schooler.

He planned to live an eternal, reclusive life as a happy otaku, enjoying World of Warcraft and his favorite MOBA games, but Fate had other plans in store.

Hell has broken down, and vengeful revenants stalk the mortal realms. With ghosts running amock throughout all of Cathay, Qin Ye must reluctantly adopt the mantle of ‘hero... اقرأ المزيد >>

أحدث الفصول المنشورة

  1. Chapter 1263: Final Expectations

    1 سنة، 1 شهر مضت
  2. Chapter 1262: Century-long Upheaval (3)

    1 سنة، 1 شهر مضت
  3. Chapter 1261: Century-long Upheaval (2)

    1 سنة، 1 شهر مضت
  4. Chapter 1260: Century-long Upheaval (1)

    1 سنة، 1 شهر مضت
  5. Chapter 1259: Revelation (4)

    1 سنة، 1 شهر مضت

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