Chapter 1713 - The [Pure Love Gang]

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1713: The [Pure Love Gang]

In front of the county administration office.

Corpses were laid neatly in a row on the ground.

The County Magistrate’s body had also been put back together, cleaned up, and laid with his head slightly perking up.

Several men in official clothing were carefully examining the corpses.

“Most of them were killed in a single strike, swift and nimble” one of them commented.

“As far as I’ve heard, the culprit was an Officer. He was alone, but he blew up the administration office and killed so many people, quite the ferocious one” another person added.

“But he only did what he did because of the County Magistrate’s actions” someone else said.

All the officials fell silent.

For the past few years, the County Magistrate hadn’t reported any village in this county being destroyed.

Everyone thought that everything had been normal, but after careful investigations this time, they discovered that the Five Elements Seals that were provided from above had been embezzled by the County Magistrate without distributing them to the various villages.

And now, several of them had already been destroyed.

With that in mind, the officials couldn’t help but turn towards the County Magistrate’s body.

One of the forensic officers sighed and said: “Cutting someone in half with a single slash, what a fast blade and ferocious blade will…”

“You’re wrong” an official refuted him.

“Sir, where did this humble one make a mistake?” the officer respectfully asked.

The official didn’t answer at all.

——he was originally a cold weapon user, as well as a Chosen Saint who was hiding in the Human realm. Although he had temporarily lost his powers, his discerning eyes and experiences were still far beyond normal people.

He reached his hand out to feel the cut on the County Magistrate’s body.

This was indeed a wound caused by a blade.

But it doesn’t carry any sort of blade will.

The other party’s original weapon… was most likely not a blade…

This is a suspicious point.

There was another suspicious point——-

While the County Magistrate was in power, he didn’t recruit anyone with talent nor did his job to rule and govern the people, he simply recruited a number of thugs to fill up the positions, suggesting that he didn’t care about anything.

If one went so far as to be so extreme as to assume the worst, the County Magistrate had purposely tried to destroy all the villages.

For what reason?

The official was a bit hesitant.

He silently formed a hand seal within his sleeves but didn’t activate it right away.

——after the Samsara reset, everyone had lost their original strength, but as time went by, some Technique Users had gradually begun to regain their ability to cast spells.

This was a favor from the Samsara itself.

After all, Technique Users weren’t normally experts in close combat, so if they didn’t possess even a little bit of power, they wouldn’t be able to survive at all during this period.

——-of course, spells were still highly restrictive, so it wasn’t something one could use arbitrarily.

Many spells required a long period of cooldown time to recover energy before they could be used again.

The official stared closely at the County Magistrate’s body, greatly tempted to discern the entire truth.

Gritting his teeth, he finally activated the spell.

——Metal-Wood-Water-Fire-Earth, manifest!

He lowered his head and turned his back to everyone else as a flash of golden light appeared from his eyes, purposely avoiding everyone else’s gazes.

The official stared closely at the County Magistrate’s body for a few moments before the golden light in his eyes gradually faded away.

He appeared relieved and muttered: “…A Chosen Saint from the Beast King realm, as expected, an animal in human skin. He doesn’t care about the troubles of our Human realm at all, exactly the same as those Heaven realm bastards…”

The official felt angry and stood up, mounting his horse without a word.

“Sir, where are you going?” the others hurriedly asked.

“I’m heading back” the official said.

“How will we deal with the situation here?” one of his subordinates asked.

The official smirked and said: “With this one’s strength, this one wouldn’t be able to kill all of these people while fighting them all at once”

The subordinates were all shocked.

Not even the commander will be their match?

“Then—- what should we do now?” his subordinates asked with a slightly concerned tone.

“Report up and ask for support from the superiors” the official casually replied.

Everyone exchanged glances.

At this point, another report would cost an extreme amount of time. After the reports climbed up the ranks and orders would be issued again for expert Combatants to be chosen, who knew how long would have already gone by?

By that time, the rogue Officer would have already disappeared completely.

After mounting his horse, the official declared: “Leave some people to watch over the corpses, the others will return with me”

Since their superiors have already issued an order, who would dare to resist the order?

“Sir, yes sir!”

The subordinates could only respond in this manner.

Three days later.


Gu Qing Shan was sitting by a campfire, once again observing the wound on his arm.

The arrow had already been extracted and the wound had already begun to form scabs, but the pain he felt from his arm only became more intense.

Inhaling a cold gasp, Gu Qing Shan took out some dried rations and a bottle of fresh water to slowly eat.

He had always been a picky eater, but if the situation was dangerous enough and all he had were rations to fill himself, he wouldn’t refuse to eat either.


While eating, Gu Qing Shan appeared a bit puzzled.

In theory, reinforcements should have arrived very quickly after the County Magistrate fired that flare.

But it’s already been three days.

There isn’t even a shadow of someone chasing after me.

Initially, Gu Qing Shan had specifically chosen arduous mountain paths to traverse, but after two days of not seeing any pursuers, he had slowly returned to a more levelled path.

——and there were still no pursuers.

At this point, he even had the courage to light a fire.

Gu Qing Shan sighed and casually adjusted his campfire for it to burn a bit more intensely

After killing that County Magistrate, I’ve finally regained all of my memories.

When I left the Space Vortex behind, I only had seven seconds, and the situation was especially dire.

To lead everyone through that Reality Gate, I had to make everyone fall into a state of slumber.

—–so even now, everyone who had connected to [Order] continues to remain in a delirious state.

When would I be able to awaken everyone?

Gu Qing Shan thought about it for a long while but couldn’t come up with anything, so he took out the Gloom Orchid again.

“Perhaps I should just call someone else out…”

He muttered and used [Moon Invitation] again.

A thin red line of light manifested in front of him from the void of space, then transformed into a gate of light.

A shirtless man emerged.

He was wearing a pair of long white pants and barefooted with a pair of long boney wings behind his back.

Ye Fei Li.

“Ahahaha… sleeping felt so itchy, I’ve finally been let out to work my muscles again!”

He laughed hysterically, then flew around in the sky for a while before landing back down to fist bump Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan also smiled: “I also hope that you’d all be able to come out and help me, but even I don’t know the exact situation right now”

Ye Fei Li noticed the wound in his arm and asked out of interest: “I’ve heard Lady Darksea explain the current situation somewhat—— how come you’re hurt? Who managed to injure you?”

Gu Qing Shan explained the entire matter from the beginning and asked: “How come you’re not even fully clothed?”

“It couldn’t be helped, I was in the dressing room on the Temporal Oasis at the time” Ye Fei Li answered and casually took out a bottle of coke from his pants pocket.

He took two sips and replied: “So your strength has been sealed, I should be able to perfectly fill in that strength”

Gu Qing Shan reminded him: “In this world, you’d only be able to use one ability, all of your other powers will be sealed away as well”

Ye Fei Li appeared startled and hurriedly said: “Oh no”

“What’s the matter?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“I just used my flying ability just now” Ye Fei Li dejectedly said.

“…” Gu Qing Shan was speechless.

Ye Fei Li is a World Destroyer, so any of his abilities would have been able to easily deal with those monsters and help me greatly.

But he now accidentally used his flight ability.

“Hah, how about I return now so you can summon the others?” Ye Fei Li apologetically said.

“That’s impossible, I can only summon someone else after 24 hours” Gu Qing Shan replied.

He thought for a while and said: “Flying isn’t exactly a useless ability either. I’ve already travelled to the surrounding villages to distribute the seals to them, but the seals can only temporarily anchor the Five Elements, but not completely dispel the threat”

“So?” Ye Fei Li asked.

“I’ve asked the villagers and found out that there were some flightless monsters, we can challenge them together” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“Alright, that’s easy to solve, I can just carry you and fly over” Ye Fei Li said.

Gu Qing Shan stayed silent briefly and couldn’t help but look at Ye Fei Li.

This guy isn’t wearing his shirt right now, so he’s going to be carrying me around while shirtless?

Ye Fei Li still hadn’t realized Gu Qing Shan’s concerns and excitedly continued: “We can fly everywhere, so as long as we fight flightless monsters, we’d essentially be unbeatable, in a game, this would be called a BUG”

Gu Qing Shan was very hesitant.

Will this really be fine?

I’m going to be carried into battle by a shirtless man?

What would happen to my reputation if this goes out?

But time doesn’t wait for people.

I’ve already arrived later than the rest of them, so if I keep stalling here, the others would only further extend their leads.

——I still don’t know how I’d be able to earn Merit.

I need to seize every second I can.

Gu Qing Shan sighed and asked: “How’s your flight speed?”

“Completely unaffected!” Ye Fei Li replied.

He opened his boney wings and flew across the sky like a blurry image, his actions completely indiscernible to the naked eye.

Gu Qing Shan felt a bit more assured and followed up: “Alright, let’s first head towards a village Southeast of here, it isn’t very far away, so we should be able to reach it soon”

“Let’s go!” Ye Fei Li said.

A while later.

Under the night sky.

A shirtless man was carrying a man wearing leather armor, slowly and stably flying forward.

“Hey, Gu Qing Shan”

“What is it?”

“Y’know, the two of us can form a battle team and name ourselves”

A name?

If a name can become recognized by the world and living beings, it would certainly contain unique power.

Gu Qing Shan felt a bit tempted, but was troubled: “… Naming things make my head hurts, let’s not”

“I actually have an idea already” Ye Fei Li said.

“Huh? What’s that?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“You don’t even have time for love, while I’m faithful to a single person—— so we can both be considered good men, wouldn’t you say?”

“Makes sense, so what do you think we should name ourselves?”

“The [Pure Love Gang]” Ye Fei Li replied.

Gu Qing Shan paused.

Being carried in flight like this is already suggestive enough, if I get associated with this kind of name, even if it becomes renowned later on, nothing good would come out of it.

“…Alright, let me think about it” Gu Qing Shan said.

“How long do you want?” Ye Fei Li asked.

“Give me three years” Gu Qing Shan carefully said.

Ten minutes later.

The [Pure Love Gang] flew into a mountain valley.

The two of them both looked down.

Gu Qing Shan explained: “Be careful, this fellow doesn’t know how to fly, but it’s still very strong compared to you and me currently”

“It’ll be fine, I can fly” Ye Fei Li confidently boasted.

A few hundred meters below them, a reptile as large as a small mountain slowly opened its eyes.

As the reptile silently listened to their conversation, a hint of sarcasm flashed across its violent-filled eyes.

It suddenly looked up and spat out a dark green cloud of smog.

The smog rapidly ascended as it shot towards the two of them.

Gu Qing Shan instantly noticed something wrong as soon as he saw that dark green smog.

Both of them currently had their strength sealed away, one of them only knew how to fly, the other could only fight in close combat, so they could literally die on the spot if they came into contact with that smog.

Gu Qing Shan hurriedly said: “Hurry hurry hurry! Let’s run! That smog is poisonous!”

“@#%@^&! That monster is a fraud!”

Ye Fei Li shouted out loud and hurriedly carried Gu Qing Shan up into the sky again.