Chapter 1414 - Sudden enlightenment

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1414: Sudden enlightenment

Observing the black watch, Gu Qing Shan wasn’t in a hurry to put it on.

A dark green sprite of light suddenly emerged from the watch and flew in front of Gu Qing Shan’s eyes.

The sprite of light slowly expanded into lines of ancient text in mid-air:

[The ‘Twelve Scales Grasp of Duo-faced World’s Infinite Rejection’ has been delivered, relaying the information now:]

[After the Technological Causality Barrier was completed, it was taken away and is now no longer under your control]

[All knowledge regarding this project will be transferred to you telepathically, please be prepared to receive it]

After Gu Qing Shan finished reading, these letters converged once again into a sprite of light before entering his forehead.

The War God UI instantly began displaying messages:

[Detected foundational knowledge: Non-Mysticism scientific Causality Barrier structure general knowledge and schematics]

[Would you like to accept this foundational knowledge?]

[Note: this knowledge is considered to be Technological-type knowledge in the form of pure information, no power or technique is accompanied by it]

Gu Qing Shan recalled what he learnt about [Order], [Chaos], as well as the inheritance within the Tomb of Myriad Beasts and couldn’t help but sigh emotionally: “As I thought, pure knowledge is still the best, especially when it isn’t accompanied by any conditions”

“Yes, accept it”

Following his statement, a lot of foreign knowledge instantly appeared in his mind.

The first line was a general conclusion:

[Causality Laws are a power belonging to Mysticism]

[The basic principles of using technology as a means to command Causality Laws lies within the discernment of Cause and Effect]

[Firstly, through a large-scale simulation, statistically listing and analyzing a certain ‘Cause’ from the perspective of the Laws]

[Secondly, state the desired ‘Effect’, forming a connection between the ‘Cause’ and ‘Effect’ in conjunction with each individual, thus depicting the construction of a Causality and trend of progression]

[Thirdly, calculate the required forces and energy to fulfil the connection of the Causality, using various technological techniques in conjunction, to calculate the progression of ‘Karma’ [1]from the perspective of Laws]

[Fourthly, using the power of the Coin of the Earth to strip all supernatural forces, maximizing ‘Karma’ to connect ‘Cause’ and ‘Effect’]


[The above statements are a general summary of the phenomenon. From a technical perspective, the Causality Barrier will be manifested through the following nine steps:]

It took Gu Qing Shan a total of 2 hours to fully comprehend all the content.

These were the thoughts and ideas of the Matriarch of Myriad Earths in the past.

Because Causality Law techniques were practically impossible to research, it attempted to research from the direction of world-class barriers and shields instead, hoping to achieve a breakthrough from this.

But before the research was finished, it had left.

And now when this technological research project bore fruit, someone had stolen it.

Fortunately, Gu Qing Shan was able to inherit the corresponding knowledge.

What should he do now?

Gu Qing Shan opened his eyes and slowly pondered.

——he had paid attention to a certain concept within the creation of the Causality Law barrier.


[‘Karmas’ are the threads of fate, the connection between all living beings and all things, determinants for the beginning, progression, and ending of ‘Cause’ and ‘Effect’]

This was the descriptor of ‘Karma’ from a technological perspective, but it had given Gu Qing Shan a different line of thought.

He raised his hand and looked at the thread being wrapped around his hand.


The Threads of Fate.

“It is necessary to strip all supernatural power to maximize the power of ‘Karma’, of the Threads of Fate”

“In other words, the Threads of Fate would directly relate to the ‘Cause’ and ‘Effect’ of everything”

A certain thought flashed through Gu Qing Shan’s mind.

He stood completely stunned, as if he was struck by lightning.



As if he had achieved enlightenment, Gu Qing Shan continued to stand still for several breaths’ worth of time before he slowly sighed.

“The power of Fate… is too grand…”

He couldn’t help but mutter to himself.

At this point, he recalled the skill’s description——-

[Longing: You are able to see the connections between all things or all living beings, understand this connection, and even able to perform certain things to these connections]

[Special attention: This is an extremely unique and rare Fate Talent; it is as deep as the ocean depths and as miraculous as any miracle. You must carefully study it to understand its true value]

After thinking about it for a few more moments, Gu Qing Shan took out the Cang Hai Heavenly Ark and called out: “Zhao Xiao Seng”

“Amitabha, I’m here” Zhao Xiao Seng swiftly replied.

“Take me back into Kunlun, I have something I need to confirm” Gu Qing Shan said.

“You want to enter as well? Then there would be no one to watch over the heavenly ark, both of us would be in danger”

“It’s ok, I’ll have someone else keep watch——- Shannu, help me guard this for a while”

“Understood, gongzi”

A second later, Gu Qing Shan abruptly disappeared without a trace.

He reappeared inside Kunlun.

At the same temple from before.

Zhao Xiao Seng stood in front of Gu Qing Shan, doubtfully asking him: “Benefactor Gu, why did you come inside?”

“To confirm a certain thought” Gu Qing Shan replied.

He put up his hand and focused his mind.

Following his thought, a black thread manifested out of thin air, one end coiling around his hand, the other end connected to Zhao Xiao Seng’s hand.

Zhao Xiao Seng didn’t feel it at all.

——This was the power of fate, predestined events from the profound unknown that cannot be recognized by anyone.

Gu Qing Shan took a few steps back, then said: “Xiao Seng, I’m going to go outside for a bit, I want you to try and find me inside Kunlun city”

“Find you for what?” Zhao Xiao Seng was still confused.

“I’m confirming something, so just keep trying to find me” Gu Qing Shan replied.

Zhao Xiao Seng told him: “Amitabha, I’m extremely familiar with Kunlun city, so unless you purposely hide, I would be able to reach you very quickly”

Gu Qing Shan smiled and said: “Then let’s give it a try, we’ll conclude this after one hour”

His figure flashed as he flew out from the temple.

Zhao Xiao Seng sighed, his hands clasping into a prayer moment: “Amitabha, to save the world of Kunlun and Jasper Pool, this Xiao Seng will have to play hide-n-seek with someone”

He flew out of the temple and began to search for Gu Qing Shan.

One hour later.

The streets of the city were full of people.

Zhao Xiao Seng stood next to a wall, soaked with sweat while breathing heavily

Kunlun city was the place he was born, raised, and cultivated in.

Even though this was a huge city, he had a perfect grasp of it like the palm of his hand.

And yet he couldn’t find Gu Qing Shan at all!

“How strange, it’s impossible that I couldn’t find him”

“Where exactly is he hiding… not in Jasper Pool, I hope?”

Zhao Xiao Seng muttered, unable to help but look towards the palaces in the sky.

Suddenly, a voice sounded from among the crowd: “Time’s up, there’s no need to look for me any further”

Zhao Xiao Seng turned around.

Only to see Gu Qing Shan smiling brightly as he walked forward from the other side of the street.

“Amitabha, benefactor Gu, where exactly were you hiding?” Zhao Xiao Seng curiously asked.

Gu Qing Shan was completely relaxed and casually replied: “I was taking a stroll around the city”

“You must be lying—– I checked every bit of ground in the city a total of five times, but I still couldn’t see you” Zhao Xiao Seng solemnly refuted.

Gu Qing Shan was in a good mood, so he patted his shoulder: “You couldn’t find me because there was no ‘Karma’ between us”

“No ‘Karma’?”

“That’s right, I’ve managed to confirm what I wanted to know. Send me out first, there’s one more crucial matter I need to learn about while I still have time”

“…Alright then”

A few moments later.

Gu Qing Shan reappeared inside the tunnel.

“Gongzi, are you ok?” Shannu worriedly asked.

“I’m fine” Gu Qing Shan replied.

Shannu then turned into a sword and went back into his Thought Sea.

Gu Qing Shan stood still, then paced back and forth in place while deliberating.

He had gotten a deeper level of understanding towards the Fate-type ability [Longing]

Now, it’s about time I check the ‘Twelve Scales Grasp of Duo-faced World’s Infinite Rejection’.

——-that name is way too long, it’s such a mouthful.

I wonder what exactly it can do?

According to the War God UI, I have to wear this on my wrist in order to activate its function.

Gu Qing Shan stopped thinking any further and put the black watch on his wrist.


The entire tunnel disappeared from his vision as a completely new world manifested around him.

This was a completely empty world.

Three people were already waiting there.

The three of them each kept a certain distance from one another, their expressions suggesting that they were all staying cautious.

Gu Qing Shan first looked at them, then at the empty world, feeling a bit confused.

He picked out the kind-looking person among them and asked while clasping his fist:

“I’m sorry but, why did I suddenly appear in this place? And who might you be?”

The man glanced at him, then asked: “A newcomer?”

Gu Qing Shan was a bit surprised.

The man then appeared sympathetic and sighed: “A pitiful one”

“Pitiful?” another person followed up, “I feel like he’s lucky instead”

The third person coldly said: “Indeed, because he only has to face death today”

Suddenly, the empty world disappeared, and the four of them landed in the middle of a grassy wilderness.

The other three swiftly pulled their weapons.

Someone sighed and muttered: “It’s starting soon…”

Gu Qing Shan looked at how they were preparing for combat in surprise, but couldn’t really understand why.

[1] the original word is “缘”, which is usually translated as predestination, or something that was fated to happen, a concept usually used in Buddhism. A common way to use it is “If there is 缘, we shall meet again”, which can be understood literally as “If it is fated, we shall meet again”