Chapter 1272 - Asura

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1272: Asura

A humanoid monster whose entire body was covered in a grey carapace full of spikes stood on top of a tombstone, holding off against the attacks from Beast King God’s side.

——–void monster: Judge of Living Beings’ Fate.

The orange cat sat crouched behind it, not in a hurry to attack, simply listening with interest.

After all, one side was a void monster while the other side was a group of monsters sealed within the great tomb, he’d surely be able to find out a few secrets while listening to their conversation.

The Beast King God’s eyes flickered a bit, then said: “I know about all of you—– when the great tomb revealed itself many years ago, I was able to sense powerful entities that came from the outside world, that was you”

“Unfortunately, you only saw the overflowing of precious treasures of the great tomb and not the great danger it hides!”

The Judge of Living Beings’ Fate replied:

「 How would a bunch of sealed entities like yourselves possibly know our plight? 」

The Beast King God replied: “I’ll be frank, the only reason this Apocalypse could even trap us at all is thanks to your power. As long as you’re willing to disregard your hostility towards us, I can save you, or even take you on the search for those precious artifacts”

The Judge of Living Beings’ Fate stood still for a while, then shook its head and said: 「 Too late, I’ve already been corroded by this Apocalypse for too long. In order to not thoroughly perish, I have chosen to become one with this Apocalypse 」

The orange opened its amber-like eyes wide open, silently crouching on the tombstone while falling into thought.

——-so it turns out not all void monsters are floating along the Tomb River.

A powerful void monster like the Judge of Living Beings’ Fate can also choose to fuse with the Apocalypse, becoming a part of it.

Then, what exactly is this Apocalypse?

This Apocalypse is merely an illusion, so how could it manage to force one of the most powerful void monsters, the Judge of Living Beings’ Fate, to fuse with it?

Could it be…

The one who cornered it to such a degree was the Apocalypse’s main body?

As the orange cat’s eyes glowed, the Beast King God could clearly be seen trembling.

——it seemed to have also thought of something.

“So… you… actually manage to achieve that” the Beast King God spoke with a desperate dry tone.

The Judge of Living Beings’ Fate swiftly took a step forward, its voice filled with killing intent: 「 Your deaths shall nurture the Apocalypse, and I am that Apocalypse 」

On the Beast King God’s side, everyone couldn’t help but retreat.

They couldn’t be blamed, as this monster simply couldn’t be defeated.

All of its attacks were Causality techniques, not only were they unavoidable, but they were also irresistible.

It was even able to borrow all the power of the Apocalypse.

A voice suddenly spoke up:

“Wait a minute, we truly have a method to separate you from this Apocalypse”

Everyone turned around.

He was a subordinate of the Beast King God, his figure was slender and solemn, most likely a previous bigshot from the Tomb of Myriad Beasts.

However, after his soul was substituted, the one who inhabited his body now was a monster from the great tomb.

The Judge of Living Beings’ Fate seemed to have heard something extremely outlandish, as it looked up to the sky and laughed: 「 I am an undefeated sovereign of the void, other than the four Pillar Gods of the void and the Eternal Abyss, I would not even bother to give anyone else so much as a glance, but now even I am left with no choice but to fuse with the Apocalypse in order to survive 」

It abruptly looked at the group, boiling with overwhelming killing intent: 「 And yet insects like yourselves dare claim to be able to rescue ME? 」

The slender man calmly replied: “Perhaps we aren’t as powerful as you are, but we were born within the great tomb, so we naturally have a method to fight against the Apocalypse”

The void monster paused.

The Beast King God silently praised him, then instantly followed up: “That’s right, take a look at us. Although we were sealed inside the great tomb, we still managed to use the ‘Soul Substitution’ method in order to escape”

The Beast King God then spread both arms wide: “Come, join us, become my subordinate, I shall aid your escape from the Apocalypse”


The Judge of Living Beings’ Fate uttered a resounding shout, cutting off the Beast King God’s words.

It suddenly grinned: 「 I have fused myself with the Apocalypse and lived in this great tomb for over a hundred thousand years, did you really think I don’t know what you actually are? 」

It moved forward step by step.

While the Beast King God’s side retreated step by step.

“We are the Deities from the Samsara Beast King realm sealed away by the Apocalypse! We have the strength to fight the Apocalypse, as well as rescue you!” the Beast King God shouted.

The Judge of Living Beings’ Fate shook its head: 「 No, the thing fighting the Apocalypse is the Samsara Delimitation Artifact, is it that sword! While you——- 」

Its tone suddenly became full sarcastic: 「 Ancient guardians of the Tomb Forests, they who disregarded their duties within the apocalyptic darkness, stole the inheritance from within the Tomb Forest, the only thing you have the courage to do was take over the bodies of some mortals—— and yet still have the gall to call yourselves Deities 」

「 If we Lords of the void were tomb robbers, then you would be the oath-breakers who stole what you had sworn to protect 」

The Judge of Living Beings’ Fate spat out a few words in conclusion:

「 A crowd of garbage 」

At this point, there was no longer anything left to bargain or discuss.

The Beast King God furiously shouted: “Attack!”

Instantly, all of its subordinates unleashed their techniques.

But right before the Beast King God gave its order, the slender man had already acted first.

Both of his wrists were cut open by sharp air, each causing a small incision.

He then crouched down, pressing both hands on the ground, and shouted:



Dirt and sand were kicked up in every direction, only to be blown away by the intense wind.

The area around the Beast King God became unclear and warped.

As if another world was about to descend upon this area!

The Judge of Living Beings’ Fate was about to act, but stopped as it saw this and smirked: 「 An Asura Era of War technique? How interesting 」

It silently stopped to observe.

Within the descended illusion, numerous soldiers had completely surrounded the Beast King God’s group.

The power and presence these soldiers gave off were not too much weaker compared to the Beast King God’s side.

Very strangely, most of the soldiers seemed to be women of absolute beauty, the very few of them who were men had terrifying brutal visages and emanated presence enough to nearly rival the Beast King God himself.

At this time, the slender man’s appearance slowly changed into Gu Qing Shan.

——-another ‘Gu Qing Shan’.

“All troops, charge!” he abruptly shouted

“Yes, your majesty!” the Asura all uttered a resounding shout in response.

Immediately, the Beast King God’s group was surrounded by countless Asura.

Seeing the situation go south, the Beast King God loudly declared: “No——– you’re Asura! I have your inheritance! We’re actually your ancestors!”

“The inheritance came from the great tomb, not you. Furthermore, someone who fears battle can’t be considered an Asura—– fight first, talk later” the other ‘Gu Qing Shan’ replied.


The illusory world abruptly vanished together with everything else.

The field of tombstones returned to silence.

All the Asura, Beast King God, as well as ‘Gu Qing Shan’ were no longer here.

Only the Judge of Living Beings’ Fate stood alone in this vast graveyard.

The orange cat silently sat on top of a tombstone, focusing his gaze on him.

Then the Judge of Living Beings’ Fate started muttering: 「 Once this technique is over, that Asura King will return here——– he isn’t an ancient tomb guardian, why did he suddenly attack? 」

「… Oh well, I shall wait for him to return 」

The Judge of Living Beings’ Fate stood still and silently waited.

After a long while.

The void of space silently warped.

Asura King Gu Qing Shan appeared from the void of space and landed.

He waved his hand towards the Judge of Living Beings’ Fate: “Hey, we meet again”

The Judge of Living Beings’ Fate observed him, then muttered in a low voice: 「 Come, Law of the infinite worlds’ recognition and living beings’ admiration, heed my summon and converge from the void, let me witness the proof of your recognition! 」

A cluster of white fog appeared from above and entered its body before gradually disappearing.

The Judge of Living Beings’ Fate closed its eyes for a few moments before muttering: 「 So you were the Deity of [Chaos] – Chaotic Lord of War, Proxy of the Asura King, Lone Wolf of Death, Slaughter God, the Renowned Savior of Worlds, Sheltered of the Inner Plane heroic spirits, Gu Qing Shan 」

“That is me” Asura King Gu Qing Shan nodded and said: “These tomb guardians were targets that I must kill no matter what. My apologies for getting you involved, I hope you can let it go”

The Judge of Living Beings’ Fate replied: 「 I do not mind. In truth, as I am the embodiment of this Apocalypse and you are currently within it, I also must kill you no matter hope, I hope you do not take it to heart 」

Asura King Gu Qing Shan glanced at him, then casually grabbed a sword from the void of space.

“I’m wondering” he lowered his head and pondered: “Why haven’t you attacked yet?”

The Judge of Living Beings’ Fate chuckled and asked: 「 Are you so impatiently looking forward to death? 」

“Of course not, it’s merely a suggestion. After all, we don’t have too much time to be wasting on this monster” Asura Gu Qing Shan said.

At the very next moment.

An orange cat appeared behind the Judge of Living Beings’ Fate.

He leapt onto its shoulder.

A faint golden light mixed with a resounding silver glow overlapped, manifesting in the form of a coin, then followed the cat’s paw into the Judge of Living Beings’ Fate’s body.

Earth God, [Earth’s Prohibition]!