Chapter 1159 - Mission failed!

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1159: Mission failed!

The dragon head was sent flying!

But Gu Qing Shan didn’t feel relieved, and instead felt an even heavier sense of risk.

His eyes gazed towards the River of Time, only to see a motionless, flowing stream without any abnormalities.

Other than Shannu and himself, there were no other living beings within this misty void.

His heart was beating faster and faster, the feeling of danger within his spirit sense grew increasingly stronger.

——-where is the danger coming from?

Gu Qing Shan looked around cautiously.

“Gongzi, the Demon Dragon’s body is about to fall” Shannu reminded him.

Gu Qing Shan regained his senses and turned to the dragon corpse.


This is the Demon Dragon’s body, the third dragon I’ve killed.

He was no longer the slumbering Demon Dragon, nor the Abyssal Demon Dragon of the past; after several ten thousand years, he had absorbed significantly more power and surpassed both.

And he belonged to the Wraith realm.

“As you said it yourself, it’s enough for there to be a single Demon Dragon in this reality…”

Gu Qing Shan glanced at the dragon head and whispered.

——-regardless of what kind of danger is approaching, the most crucial thing to do right now is to absorb his power!

Clusters of dark fog manifested from Gu Qing Shan’s body one by one, all of which almost seemed to be sentient as they quickly sought out the Demon Dragon’s head and body, enveloping them.

Demon Dragon’s bloodline, activate!

This was the power of the Bygone Era human’s ultimate Soul Artifact, their greatest masterpiece!

Within the dark fog, the entire dragon’s corpse slowly disappeared.

The Demon Dragon was assimilated into the dark fog, transforming into a deeper shade of black—– as its power was being converted.


Gu Qing Shan calmly declared.

The dark fog swiftly returned to his body.

The overwhelming and excessive power of the Demon Dragon directly struck his Thought Sea, his soul, his body, causing the pain of being dismembered by a thousand blades.


Gu Qing Shan uttered a short grunt as he silently endured this pain.

——compared to how he absorbed the duo dragon power from before, this was nothing.

As soon as I finish this absorption, my strength will further increase by a large leap!

While Gu Qing Shan was thinking that, he suddenly put his hand up to his nose.


His hand was soaked in blood.

Gu Qing Shan immediately released his inner sight to observe himself.

Only to see his eyes, mouth, nose, and ears were all bleeding, his spirit energy was so chaotic that it was causing his body to collapse.

A sharp voice resounded in his Thought Sea:

「 I’ve been waiting for this moment… what a decent body, it will soon be mine…」

Very strangely, another consciousness appeared in his head.

“Who are you!?” Gu Qing Shan shouted.

The other voice mocked him: 「 You’re already going to die, no need to know who I am 」

Gu Qing Shan felt heavy.

Who would’ve thought that the Demon Dragon’s body was booby-trapped!

Even though I was already cautious, I still fell for it.

Lines of glowing text appeared on the War God UI:

[While you are converting the Demon Dragon power as your own, a type of insect parasite that thrives within the essence of energy had entered your body]

[This is one of the toughest hex insects]

[If you do not want to be consumed by it, you must quickly come up with a solution]

Skimming through it all, Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but gasp.

What a strange and unusual means that cannot be defended against!

The Demon Dragon’s bloodline ability was supposed to be something that only the Demon Dragon and I know about.

But now, someone managed to take advantage of the Demon Dragon’s death to indirectly attack me.

It seems someone had already read through all of the Demon Dragon’s memories and predicted all of this beforehand.

It must be a cruel and cold individual, hiding within the unknown, acting covertly without any warnings to kill me right as the Demon Dragon lost his life.

——-if I fell victim to this, even if I were vastly stronger, I would most likely be killed and have all of my powers absorbed.

With that in mind, Gu Qing Shan stopped hesitating as his body shifted.

He had turned into a big orange cat!

[Embodiment of Evil Suppressor: While in the ‘Mountain of Orange’ state, all powers that you absorb from outside will be quickly converted into your own powers]

The ability to grow stronger just by eating.

—–[Mountain of Orange]!

Immediately, new lines of glowing text appeared on the War God UI:

[To consume or be consumed, this is a question of life and death]

[If you are willing to expend a certain amount of Soul Points, ‘Orange of Mountain’ will become stronger and have a higher chance to completely devour that hex insect]

Gu Qing Shan answered without hesitation:

“I’ll expend the Soul Points!”

An invisible gust of wind drifted around his body and quickly disappeared into it.

Several thousand Soul Points were deducted at once.

——so it only took a few thousand!

Gu Qing Shan immediately became relaxed.

[Orange of Mountain] had been reinforced!

At this point, Shannu finally noticed something was wrong and worriedly asked: “Gongzi, are you ok?”

The orange cat shook his head and coldly replied: “Meow meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow!”

(Some guy is trying to devour me, so now I’m going to see who exactly is devouring who!)

Shannu was about to say something when the orange cat suddenly bulged out both eyes, then all the hair on his body stood up trembling.

Shannu’s heart jumped as she hurriedly asked: “Gongzi, what’s the matter?”

The orange cat looked at her, then looked down at the River of Time below.

“Meow meow! Meow meow meow!”

(There’s no time, we need to go now!)

A few minutes later.

Some unknown world.

The orange cat was sitting on top of a toilet bowl, one paw clutching his belly while the other paw holding onto a roll of toilet paper, his body occasionally shivered.

Pffff—– pehhhhh!

The orange cat was violently expelling indigestible matters from his stomach.

His tail lifted up to pull the manual flushing handle.

Shaa! Shuu!

The toilet’s flushing system was extremely good, as it was immediately cleaned out.

The orange cat finally felt a bit better.

He sighed helplessly and glanced at the glowing UI in front of his eyes.

[Your Mahesvara Thaumaturgy had perfectly evolved]

[Your Evil Suppressor powers were originally able to devour all things]

[As you’ve used Soul Points to reinforce ‘Mountain of Orange’]

[—–you’ve consumed and digested the Thousand Demon Eroding Insect Hex]

With a light flicker, the lines of glowing text changed:


[As this hex insect had absorbed a lot of unclean and unrelated powers, it is causing indigestion in your orange belly]

[You must completely expel all unclean substances before you complete this meal]

[If you stop half-way through, the residual powers could possibly turn you into an extremely nauseating entity]

[You have been warned]

The orange cat rubbed his own belly, clearly dejected.

All of a sudden——

The unwell sensation from earlier came again!

The orange cat hurriedly sat up neatly and prepared——–

On the other side.

The Reality Gate.

The Wraith realm military camp.

Cang Wu Zhang observed the mask on the woman’s face and felt his heart sinking.

The Thousand Demon Eroding Insect Hex.

This hex consisted of a pair of masks.

The main hex insect will hide within the body of a living being, waiting until that living being is fully consumed to trigger and devour everything of the predator in return.

The sub hex insect was the mask in that woman’s hand, capable of restructuring the consumed power anew, creating new hex insects with the corresponding powers.

It was extremely disgusting.

But it had never failed.

Cang Wu Zhang looked down, clearly unable to contain his rage.

The Wraith Lord had granted me a mission, saying that as long as I can kill the Huang Quan Devil King, I’d be able to regain my former Wraith Might position.

——but if this mission was completed by another person before I can, it would take an extremely long time before I can find such a chance again.

I would have no choice but to follow Yu’s orders and let her boss me around as she pleased.

Damn it!

Cang Wu Zhang turned to the other Wraith Generals and acted calm: “Commander Might Yu, from what I understand, the Demon Dragon was your direct subordinate. Aren’t you afraid of your other subordinates from feeling cold? Discarding him by way of sacrificing him for a hex insect like that?”

These were words that struck at the heart.

The other Wraith Generals quickly lowered their heads.

The black-cloaked woman remained with her back to everyone and casually replied: “Cang Wu Zhang, you’ve only just arrived at the frontlines and you’re already inciting my men, ruining our unity; what a talented individual you are”

Cang Wu Zhang scoffed: “I’m merely stating the truth”

The black-cloaked woman’s voice became cold: “If your subordinate spent over ten thousand years and still couldn’t accomplish the mission you’ve given them, I’m sure your response would be even crueler than mine”

“A mission? I’d like to know; what mission would cause you to not reward Demon Dragon for his ten thousand years [1]of loyalty and instead killed him like this?” Cang Wu Zhang replied.

The black-cloaked woman paused briefly before uttering the answer:

“The twin swords Heaven and Earth”

Cang Wu Zhang froze, then slowly shut his mouth.

Seeing that he had nothing else to say, the black-cloaked woman chuckled.

She then said: “What use is keeping such useless waste by my side? I’m merely recycling waste—- using waste to kill waste, for another piece of waste to see”

Cang Wu Zhang lowered his head, clenching his teeth so hard that blood was leaking from the corners of his mouth.

How dare she!

This woman, how dare she call me waste in front of everyone, I will definitely kill her!

I will kill her!

While he was thinking that, a sudden and clear ‘crack’ could be heard.

Everyone turned to look.

The mask in the black-cloaked woman’s hand abruptly shattered and crumbled into dust, fading into the void of space with a ‘poof’.


No one dared to say a single word.

“Ahahaha, waste? Commander Yu, it seems that your means weren’t anything special after all!”

Cang Wu Zhang manically laughed.

——the Huang Quan Devil King hadn’t died!

Cang Wu Zhang stood straight up and left.

My mission is to kill the Huang Quan Devil King, this was a direct order from the Wraith Lord himself.

And I will be completing this mission now!

Not even you, commander Yu, has a reason to stop me now!

[1] In case any eagle-eyed readers noticed the time discrepancy between this and what we already know about Demon Dragon, there’s an explanation for this 4 chapters later