Chapter 1079 - Alliance of Four

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1079: Alliance of Four

With Hazeden’s gesture, the 15 heroic spirits began to move.

The shield bearers stood in front, the knights and cavalry in the middle, the mages at the back, while the archers stood on either side—–

A perfect combat formation.

The heroic spirits unleashed their attacks towards the monster!

『 My dear cherished subordinates, come and aid me! 』

Someone else shouted from the other side of the square.

Everyone turned to see that it was a jet-black evil creature with two horns.

At its summon, the evil creatures who stood around it placed their hands on its body.

Shortly, all the evil creatures entered its body.

These evil creatures had combined to form a giant evil creature that exuded the scorching flames of Purgatory.

The giant evil creature stepped forward and struck at the monster from the secret passage.

The man-headed snake mocked them: 「 Just you lot dare to—- 」


A bloody battle-axe descended from above and struck the middle of its body, pinning it to the ground.

「 AAAarrgh! YOU AGAIN! I will kill you, then crunch and chew both your body and soul for ten thousand times! 」

The monster viciously stared at Su Xue Er and writhed its body, wanting to escape from the bloody-axe’s hold.

Su Xue Er quickly hid behind Gu Qing Shan again.

Hearing it screaming, Gu Qing Shan scowled.

At this point, the heroic spirits that Hazeden summoned had arrived in front of the monster, with their wealth of combat experience, they recognized the best course of action in this situation and pinned the monster to the ground with their weapons.

Seeing that, everyone else unleashed their most powerful attacks.

For a short while, numerous spells and magic struck the monster’s body, causing it to scream and cry in pain.

The giant evil creature soon got close.

It held the monster down while clenching its fist tightly and pounded the monster, again and again, shouting as it did:

『 Fuck your slithering, you think your slithering was pretty or something? 』

『 When it comes to moving the body, I know numerous techniques that look a lot more stylish than your damn slithering 』

『 Do you know it’s already time for you to die? 』

『 And you still dare to glare at me!? 』

『 I’ll tell you right now, you’re in so much wrong that even if you reincarnate, you’d still be a target for others to chop up, do you know where you went wrong!? 』

『 You don’t know? I’ll mercifully tell you, it’s because just now, you were too nois—— 』


A cold gleam of the sword.

The monster’s head fell.

Gu Qing Shan sheathed his sword.

“Sorry about that, I didn’t let you say everything you wanted”

Gu Qing Shan apologetically told the giant evil creature.

The giant evil creature trembled a bit, then turned away in irritation.

While it walked, evil creatures started to detach from its body, finally, all of them returned to their original appearances.

Gu Qing Shan came back to Su Xue Er and walked up to Hazeden.

“Long time no see” Gu Qing Shan clasped his fist.

Hazeden narrowed his eyes: “You are—–”

“How come the Great Demon General and Asura king aren’t here? Also, my sword can prevent [Time Stanch]” Gu Qing Shan replied.

Hazeden’s expression became spirited.

“Ah? How come you’ve changed?” he asked.

“It’s a long story, mostly for safety” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“Ahaha, I gave you a token to travel to my kingdom, but you never visited”

“I had too much on my plate. I did make a trip there recently, but you seemed to have already relocated deep into the Mystic Zones”

Gu Qing Shan once aided Hazeden in saving his consort, and Hazeden had witnessed Gu Qing Shan rallying the dead people of Huang Quan against the invading demons; it was also him who gave Gu Qing Shan the Devil King Warden Rod, so the two of them were comrades and allies.

“Have you met those people in masks before?” Hazeden asked.

“Yeah, they are people from a parallel world” Gu Qing Shan replied.

Parallel world?

This explanation shocked many of the others.

Everyone came closer, looking to hear Gu Qing Shan’s information.

Gu Qing Shan didn’t care too much and simply explained the alliance between the parallel world and [Chaos].

Many people already knew about this, considering how big of a commotion the Soul Shrieker made when he rallied the army of [Chaos]. That event was famous throughout the 900 million World Layers, and anyone who cared to investigate would surely know.

Hazeden thought briefly and spoke with a serious expression: “You and I have both lost the majority of our powers; now with only a single ability to our name, I suggest that we travel together”

Gu Qing Shan praised him: “My thoughts exactly. After all, in such a situation, it would be very tough for a single person to go up against two similarly powerful factions”

The Archfiend from Purgatory also approached them: 『 Count me in as well 』

Gu Qing Shan and Hazeden turned to look at it.

The Purgatory Archfiend continued: 『 The two of you are both very strong, but I’m not any weaker, and we need to band together to prevent those guys from allying themselves to ambush us 』

A man clad in flames also walked forward and spoke to Gu Qing Shan: “Count me in as well——- the information you just provided is the same as what I know. I have a bad feeling about this”

Gu Qing Shan glanced over these people.

Hazeden was a king, so he naturally had a group of subordinates, the Purgatory Archfiend also brought several evil creatures with it, and the flaming man was the same.

He was the only loner here.

——-no, he also had Su Xue Er with him.

“Very well, then we’ll join forces—— are there any others who wish to join us?” Hazeden loudly asked.

Some people from other parties asked: “How are we going to divide the treasures we find?”

“Treasures?” the flaming man scoffed: “You’re running around flexing your might in the territory of others, just try and think of survival first before anything else for one second, blind fellow”

Hazeden followed up: “Everyone can split the treasures later when we run into them. For now, we need to make sure of our safety first”

Those people shook their heads and went ahead into the secret passage.

Their group also didn’t comment on that, as everyone had their own choice.

Hazeden loudly clapped his hands.

A Card user behind him presented a Card.

——–a covenant Card.

“How considerate, you even have a covenant prepared” Gu Qing Shan sighed.

He received the covenant Card and checked it.

The information of the Card was displayed on the War God UI:

[King of Covenants: This is a covenant Card with a soul, the ancestor of all covenants who holds the strongest binding power]

[If there is a covenant that would never be violated in this Reality, it would be this one]

Gu Qing Shan relaxed.

——-seems like this is an extremely strict covenant, there shouldn’t be any issues.

Hazeden replied: “It can’t be helped. One must make ample preparations when traveling, and there are many situations where asking for the help of allies is easier and saves a lot of trouble”

Gu Qing Shan returned the covenant Card to him and asked: “Do you have a healing Card?”

Hazeden glanced at Su Xue Er and understood.

He told another Card user behind him: “Heal her”

“Understood, your majesty”

The Card user took two steps forward, drew a green Card, and began to help Su Xue Er heal her injuries.

A few moments later, Su Xue Er’s frown slowly relaxed.

“It doesn’t hurt anymore” she told Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan smiled and sincerely clasped his fist: “Thank you very much, your majesty”

Hazeden replied: “No need to be so formal—– call me Haze, I was not formal with you when you helped me save my dear consort, was I?”

At this time, an electronic voice resounded in Gu Qing Shan’s ear:

[Your excellency Gu Qing Shan, Su Xue Er’s injuries are about to completely heal. According to the system’s combat statistics, if she comes with you, you will have to spend extra time and effort to take care of her]

[Furthermore, she doesn’t seem to like fighting, in fact, she hates it]

[In consideration of her best interest, it is advised that she is left here to rest]

[This way, her life would not be in danger]

Hearing that, Gu Qing Shan walked up and asked Su Xue Er: “Do you want to come with me, or remain here to rest?”

Su Xue Er replied without hesitation: “I’ll come with you, of course”

Gu Qing Shan didn’t ask anything else.

The electronic voice also stopped, but it sounded like someone was gritting their teeth in the void of space.

“Gentlemen, the covenant has been prepared”

Hazeden held the Card and manifested it as a covenant scroll before telling everyone.

The leaders of each party came forward.

“This is the strictest type of covenant among those known to people, any violators would end up with their soul completely shattered without fail”

After reading the content of the covenant, no one objected.

“I hope we can all cooperate and survive within our upcoming exploration” Hazeden stated.

He was the first to place his hand on the covenant.

His corresponding information was then displayed on it:

[King of Sky Haze kingdom, Wielder of the Gem Deck, Sovereign of one of the five greatest kingdoms in the Mystic Zones, Hazeden; hereby sign this ally covenant]

The flaming man also placed his hand on the covenant.

His information was also displayed on the covenant:

[Lord of Flame Canyon, Heir of the secret Flame Authority, Master of Magma, Guyan; hereby sign this ally covenant]

The Purgatory Archfiend laughed: 『 So everyone here was those with considerable status 』

Su Xue Er who had remained silent up to now suddenly spoke up: “Status doesn’t matter, what’s most important is strength”

——everyone here were those who held great status, while Gu Qing Shan had only been drifting through the infinite worlds, so she was worried that Gu Qing Shan would be troubled by the difference in status.

The Purgatory Archfiend shook its head: 『 Status itself can display one’s strength, like me—- 』

“You?” Su Xue Er doubtfully asked.

Gu Qing Shan hurriedly winked at her to stop, but couldn’t make it in time.

Sure enough, the Purgatory Archfiend had already begun to speak: 『 That’s right, like me who used to be a lowly imp, pushed off a cliff due to being too useless. But to my luck, I fell into a secret cave where a Void Dragon was breathing his last, he left me all of his secret techniques, telling me about the war that happened 100 million years ago, as well as the existence of this place. It was thanks to that that I became the greatest Archfiend within Purgatory in an incredibly short time, now ruling over the entirety of Purgatory while maintaining friendly relations with numerous Evil Worlds, wreaking havoc as we please——- one’s status can easily display their experience and true strength 』

The group: “…”

Gu Qing Shan whispered into Su Xue Er’s ear: “He’s one big talker”

Su Xue Er was speechless and didn’t respond to the Archfiend’s words.

Seeing how everyone turned silent after its speech, the Purgatory Archfiend thought that its experience had surprised them all, so it triumphantly placed its hand on the covenant.

Information regarding it appeared on the covenant scroll:

[Archfiend of Purgatory, Sha Qiang; hereby sign this ally covenant]

The entire square went silent.

The Archfiend named Sha Qiang was shocked and couldn’t help but exclaim: 『 What the hell? I did so many great things, so why don’t I have any catchy titles!? 』

It started to give off a violent—–

——nothing, everyone here had their powers sealed away, so it couldn’t utilize its presence.