Womanizing Mage
  • الكاتب
  • أسماء بديلة
  • المصدر
  • الحالة

Womanizing Mage


This is the story of Long Yi, who was killed because he took revenge for the girl he loved. Before he dies, a strange lightning carries his soul into a different realm. How will he live, when the first thing he noticed upon arrival is that, the man whose body he possessed is raping the country’s princess?

... اقرأ المزيد >>

أحدث الفصول المنشورة

  1. Chapter 675: Sea of Reincarnation [END]

    8 أشهر، 3 أسابيع مضت
  2. Chapter 674: Decisive battle of life and death

    8 أشهر، 3 أسابيع مضت
  3. Chapter 673: Space barrier collapse

    8 أشهر، 3 أسابيع مضت
  4. Chapter 672: The calamity befalls

    8 أشهر، 3 أسابيع مضت
  5. Chapter 671: Bloody Blue Waves (2)

    8 أشهر، 3 أسابيع مضت

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