Chapter 119 - Everyone’s Present State

I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

Chapter 119: Everyone’s Present State

Han Li jumped down from a collapsed building.

In front of her, there were faint specks of light.

The murmurs beside her ears were whispering.

“A teleportation array!” Han Li understood the meaning of the murmurs.

“What is a teleportation array?!” She asked.

The murmurs whispered and unfolded a forbidden scene in front of Han Li’s eyes.

A rolling rain of blood fell from the sky.

The enormous monster raised its head.

“Charge!” It roared, “For the Nether River!”

The burning ghosts carried pieces of stone on their backs.

They built a large door in the barren field.

Green lights bloomed from the door.

A new world appeared behind the door.

“Go!” The monster shouted, “Go and erode this world! Go and pull it closer to the orbit of the mother of the Abyss!”

“We will conquer it in the end!”

“We will capture it in the end!”

A boundless river appeared in the blood-red sky.

Huge energy started to pull the world across the door.

Bit by bit, it started to be captured to the surface of the Abyss world.

Then, countless monsters poured in in a frenzy.

The world was wailing and struggling, finally falling into the hands of the Abyss, becoming a paradise for demons, a world for ghosts and evil spirits.

And that would also be the future of Han Li’s world.

“So…” Han Li said, “The teleportation array is the instigator of the apocalypse?!”

The murmurs gave a denial answer.

The reason for the apocalypse was not because of the teleportation array.

The teleportation array was the result of the apocalypse, not the cause.

The real cause was that the world was too close to the Abyss!

It had already been captured by the energy of the Abyss.

The so-called apocalypse was the process of the world being captured by the Abyss.

Han Li was disturbed. She could already understand what kind of terrifying enemy she and the world would be facing!

The terrifying world known as the Abyss had already devoured countless worlds over countless years.

She was clear that without reinforcements, it would be useless, no matter how much she struggled.


“I must become stronger as soon as possible to meet the requirements of the owner of the fog…” she thought.

Although the owner of the fog might not have any good intentions.


If she could get his involvement and help, she could at least fight for a chance of survival!

So, she had to find all the ingredients needed for the “Elixir of Ascension” first and then take it.

In this way, the owner of the bookstore might look up to her.


She would offer him tribute.

He liked Flat Peaches and Cerulean Spirit Tea.

So, he might also like other spiritual objects.

For example, the most precious spiritual item in the National Security Organization of the United Nations, ‘Immortal Wine’ ,brewed from forty-eight most precious spiritual plants.

One bottle was worth two hundred thousand contribution points!

And only demon hunters with the rank of major general were qualified to exchange for it!

“I’ll work hard!” Han Li jumped up and rushed toward the teleportation array.

The ghosts and evil spirits that were guarding it crawled up from the ground, trying to stop her.


The Spirit Blade in her hand exploded with tremendous psionic power.

The shadow of a Succubus appeared in her body, and the Scarlet Whip followed her like a shadow.

The ghosts and evil spirits were slashed apart by the Spirit Blade.

The evil spirits were swept up and torn apart by the whip.

Finally, Han Li appeared in front of the teleportation array, and the murmurs beside her ears softly told her how to destroy it.

Han Li waved the Spirit Blade and accurately found the hub of the teleportation array. It was a pentagram array formed by five gemstones.

The Spirit Blade was inserted into it, and the power of the wind surged out from it.

A bright light rose from the pentagram.

With an explosion, the teleportation array in Linhai city was destroyed.


Linhai city was safe.

Even though it was only temporary!

… … ..

One after another, the terracotta army stood in front of Liu Zhi.

There were already a hundred of them.

Liu Zhi looked at them with excitement in his eyes.

With them, he was no longer afraid of assassination.

“Your Highness…” a panda man came to Liu Zhi and knelt. “His Majesty is seriously ill. The Empress Dowager invites you to go immediately!”

Liu Zhi stood up with a sorrowful expression.

He knew that the day had finally come.

His father was going to return to the temple.

And he would become the new king of this country.

“I know!” He said, “I will go there immediately!”

He understood that now, he still needed to hide his strength and bide his time.

Thus, he ordered the terracotta army in front of him, “All standby until I give a new order!”

“Yes!” The terracotta army closed their eyes one after another and entered the standby state.

Until their master wakes them up again.

After passing through layers of palaces, Liu Zhi walked into the center of power of the Xinghan dynasty, the emperor’s bedroom.

All the officials looked at him.

The crowd revealed a look of contempt as they looked at the crown prince.

They had already learned that after the crown prince was assassinated, he was scared out of his wits and spent the entire day in the heavily guarded palace. Relying on the protection of the panda guards. He didn’t even dare to show his face. Not to mention saying things such as ‘avenge the insult, conquer to the grasslands’ like before.

That was the emperor they needed.

A weak, rash, and timid king.

This way, the marriage could continue, and everyone could live a wealthy and peaceful-minded life.

At the side of the Emperor’s dragon bed, the empress dowager of Xinghan sat beside him. Beside her was the Empress Dowager’s favorite son, Prince Liang, and her favorite daughter, who was also Liu Zhi’s mother-in-law, Guan Tao.

The Emperor on the dragon bed was already on his last breath.

His dragon energy was slowly disappearing from his body. He had finally returned to being an ordinary person.

“Zhi’er!” The emperor called Liu Zhi’s name softly.

“Father!” Liu Zhi knelt in front of his father’s bed.

The emperor struggled to sit up. He asked a eunuch to take the crown that he had prepared earlier and then personally put it on Liu Zhi.

“Today, my son will be crowned!” The Emperor said.

Everyone looked at the empress dowager.

“Mother!” The emperor urged, “Zhi’er will be crowned today. Don’t you have anything to say?”

The Empress Dowager was expressionless.

At this moment, Guan Tao, who had been sitting beside her, said softly, “Mother, is a good thing that Zhi’er is crowned…”

“Why aren’t you saying anything?”

The old empress dowager finally spoke, “Of course I’m happy that Zhi’er is crowned!”

She reached out her hand and gently tied the ribbon of the crown to Liu Zhi’s hat.

Thus, all the ministers knelt, “We congratulate the Crown Prince for being crowned!”

In Xinghan, the crowned prince and the crown prince who was not crowned were two different things.

The former meant coming of age and having the power to decide the government. It also meant the recognition and protection of the Black Dragon King and the deities in the temples.

The latter was a child who needed the guidance of the empress dowager and the great empress dowager.

Therefore, although that was just a formality and a ceremony, it was extremely important!

“My son!” The emperor held Liu Zhi’s hand and used all his strength. “Is inheriting the throne!”

The emperor of Xinghan was dead!

… … … ..

After lunch, Ling Pingan felt a little sleepy.

He didn’t want to move at all.

Let alone write.

He felt like a lazy person who just wanted to lay down.

But then again, was there any problem with being lazy?

He thought about it and found that it was not an issue.

“Anyway, the first 30,000 words are written!” He looked at the document on the screen. “It’s time for me to relax!”

So, he took out his phone and rushed into the canyon.

The carefree life of the bookstore owner was so simple and boring.