Horizon, Bright Moon, Sabre
  • الكاتب
    Gu Long
  • أسماء بديلة
    天涯明月刀 Tianya Mingyue Dao
  • المصدر
  • الحالة

Horizon, Bright Moon, Sabre

حركةشونينرومانسيةفنون قتاليةووشيامغامرة

Fu Hongxue was a cripple, born with a lame leg and subject to epileptic seizures. He was also one of the most powerful, legendary figures of the martial arts world, with a dull black saber that was second to none. His fame made him a frequent target of challengers, but whenever his saber left its sheath, only corpses would remain in its wake. One day, however, Fu Hongxue rescued someone whom he should have killed…and in doing so, set of a chain of events and a conspiracy that would rock the w... اقرأ المزيد >>

أحدث الفصول المنشورة

  1. Chapter 24 – The Last Battle

    8 أشهر، 3 أسابيع مضت
  2. Chapter 23 – Mysterious Old Man

    8 أشهر، 3 أسابيع مضت
  3. Chapter 22 – Gongzi Yu

    8 أشهر، 3 أسابيع مضت
  4. Chapter 21 – Emerging From the Cage

    8 أشهر، 3 أسابيع مضت
  5. Chapter 20 – The Grandmaster and the Zither-Playing Servant

    8 أشهر، 3 أسابيع مضت

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