Everyone Else is a Returnee
  • الكاتب
    ToikaToy Car토이카
  • أسماء بديلة
    나 빼고 다 귀환자
  • المصدر
  • الحالة

Everyone Else is a Returnee

حركةغموضخارق للطبيعةحريمخيالكوميديارومانسيةفنون قتاليةمغامرة

Left out during elementary school picnic.

Left out during middle school camp.

Left out during high school trip.

I finally became a college student and what? I’m left out from the entire humanity?

Yu IlHan who protects the earth alone while everybody’s away in other worlds.
His legend starts after humanity comes back and meets the Great Cataclysm!

... اقرأ المزيد >>

أحدث الفصول المنشورة

  1. Afterword

    1 سنة، 1 شهر مضت
  2. Extra Chapter 4: I am the Destroyer of All Foreshadows

    1 سنة، 1 شهر مضت
  3. Extra Chapter 3: Demigod Eleven

    1 سنة، 1 شهر مضت
  4. Extra Chapter 2: – My Subordinate Love Comedy is Wrong as I Expected

    1 سنة، 1 شهر مضت
  5. Extra Chapter 1: Graduating Lonership, Entering Marriage

    1 سنة، 1 شهر مضت

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