Chapter 1568 - One Move to End It

Beastmaster of the Ages

Chapter 1568 - One Move to End It

Tianming’s dominance was the terrifying truth, yet Ye Chen found it hard to believe. Not just him, nobody from the audience on both sides could believe what they saw. This wasn't the outcome they had predicted.

"Wasn't he looking like a hotshot? Why doesn't he just beat Tianming back?"

They felt like they were about to puke. All of their expressions turned dark, but Ye Chen's was the darkest of them all. He had considerably grown in recent times, and triumphed in the Astraldome, yet not a single opponent so far had given him so much pressure right from the start of battle. The two constellations alone made it hard for him to even catch a breath.

Tianming was a dual cultivator of lifebound beasts and totems. That was the fatal gap that Ye Chen lacked. With Ye Chen's own beasts unable to take care of Tianming's, the totems became an utter nightmare. This was something most people didn't understand, either. Tianming's totems were the flashiest parts of him and a sign of his talent, yet they often ignored the fact that his beasts were just as hard to deal with. Yin Chen, for instance, was much stronger out here than in the wondersky realm, being able to shift between different insect forms. Many locusts chewed their way straight into the Chaos Dijiang's body, much to the horror of those watching. Ye Chen had come to the battle filled with confidence, but Tianming had instantly disrupted his rhythm and hadn’t even given him a chance to speak.

"If this goes on, I'll just be a stepping stone for him, a laughable joke." Ye Chen had never considered the consequences of such an outcome. He took a deep breath to calm down and made a choice. "Rise, Chaos Deity!" It was his final trump card, and one that he thought he would never have to use, but he had no other choice. The Chaos Dijiang swallowed Ye Chen into its mouth, much to the shock of the audience; there had been no precedent of lifebound beasts eating their beastmaster. The next instant, the beast began to change form, contorting into a form with ultimate potential.

Tianming was shocked to see the metamorphosis. In a few breaths' time, the bestial form of the beast shifted into a more humanoid appearance, seemingly fitting itself around Ye Chen. Even the Archaionfiend, distantly related to the spectral progenitors, was shocked to see something so out of this world. A humanoid giant appeared in front of Tianming, smaller than the Chaos Dijiang, but tougher. Each of the beasts’ unique characteristics were still present. Even the Grand Godless Liberty seemed to have grown in size. Tianming had thought that this half-man-half-beast was a gigantic specter werebeast of sorts. Ye Chen now controlled it and even had access to its abilities. Though it was disgusting, it was powerful without a doubt. Ye Chen exuded an ancient, savage aura, making him look like a yaksha demon. The spear in his hand looked like a fishing trident, ugly yet terrifying.

"Now that's impressive." Tianming was quite surprised by this sudden change. "Whatever it is, I'll kill it all the same." He didn't let its sudden appearance dampen his fighting spirit, and his lifebound beasts were just as pumped as he was. Now that the enemy was a bigger target, it would only make coordinating attacks against it even easier.

"Keep going!" Naturally, their fusion also made them stronger, but Tianming hadn't even gone all out yet. He welcomed the onslaught of the Chaos Deity as the audience cheered.

"Come! Let's end the fight in one move!" The Chaos Deity executed a divine art with its spear and gigantic body with absolute destructive potential all while using abilities with all four of its limbs. Even the audience section rumbled from the sheer power, with many people there shocked to the point of crying. Comparatively, Tianming and his beasts were much more pleasing to the eye.

"Come get it!" The little army clashed with the gigantic humanoid monster, with the providence swords in front, Tianming in the middle, and his lifebound beasts all around him. The Grand-Orient Sword couldn't wait to expunge all the sword ki it had gathered as Tianming blended Fienddragon Blood Transience in with the other five moves; he was using Sixdragon Tribulation! The move by itself was already powerful enough, but coupled with Exaltation, Abyssthrust, Fireblast, Sacrifice, and the other moves, as well as the sword formation of the providence swords and the sword ki, the combined attack grew ever closer to the pinnacle of perfection, not to mention pressure from the two constellations!

"Die!" With the totems paving the way and taking the brunt of Ye Chen's attack, the combined attack ushered countless dragons in a charge toward the Chaos Deity!

"Attack, my siblings!" Ying Huo led the charge from the sky, while Meow Meow stuck to attacking from blind spots. Lan Huang used its Primordial Wheel to deflect the abilities of the enemy before crashing straight into the chest. Then countless black roots emerged from the arena to stop the Chaos Deity from retreating. Countless Yin Chens also swarmed around the Grand Godless Liberty.

Tianming, surrounded by swords, gathered all the astralforce and sword ki he could muster and uttered a booming war cry as he closed the distance. The Chaos Deity used Unfettered Wandering, Deicide, only for the providence swords to disrupt its astralforce. Tianming then came from the front while Ying Huo came from the top, slamming its wings against the Chaos Deity's head as it was attacked simultaneously from all directions. With a loud boom, flesh and blood went flying. The Chaos Deity was blasted apart into five beasts and one person, all of them lying in a pool of their own flesh and blood without the slightest movement.

Nobody could tell whether or not they were still alive. The only thing that was clear was that Ye Chen had lost. The white-haired youth retracted his providence swords, an action that made it look like thousands of swords were piercing his body as the totems returned to their bane-rings. Now, it seemed that he was the only one left standing in the arena, while the other—who was just as shockingly talented—laid at his feet, completely bloodied, creating a stark contrast that was etched in the minds of those who witnessed this scene. They would never forget this for the rest of their lives. The entire star was so dead silent that it almost seemed that the nova source world itself had stopped revolving.