Assassin's Chronicle
  • الكاتب
    Hit The Southern Wall
  • أسماء بديلة
  • المصدر
    Qidian International
  • الحالة

Assassin's Chronicle

حركةخيالفنون قتاليةشوانهوانمغامرة

A skilled but unfortunate modern-day assassin was killed in a freak accident. However, he soon found himself summoned to another world by an evil wizard, who had him possess the body of a boy as an experiment. After successfully planning the evil wizard’s downfall, he used the wizard’s body as a springboard to gain influence and power in his new world.

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أحدث الفصول المنشورة

  1. Chapter 580: Epilogue

    8 أشهر، 3 أسابيع مضت
  2. Chapter 579: The Fatal Stroke

    8 أشهر، 3 أسابيع مضت
  3. Chapter 578: Tie

    8 أشهر، 3 أسابيع مضت
  4. Chapter 577: A Pseudo Saint

    8 أشهر، 3 أسابيع مضت
  5. Chapter 576: Judgement

    8 أشهر، 3 أسابيع مضت

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